YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi
Iris listened to the professor and watched as the groundskeeper came in .... Why was he here? ... She smiled to herself as the professor answered the Gryffindors question. Surely as the Charms professor, he would already know if you could do that? Ah well ...
She Watched them both as Professor Ashby told them that they were going to be having a demonstration ... oooh ... interesting. She was still wondering about why Ashby's patronus thing was a panda ... maby because he slightly resembled a cuddly panda bear? ... She then went on to wonder what hers would be if she could produce one ...
Right now though, Iris was glad that she wasn't Mister Masterson, because she didn't fancy non-verbally dueling Ashby ... He knew LOADS of spells and Iris ... didn't. Well, maybe Mister Masterson was better equipped ... after all, he would know more spells than Iris.