Mrs. S.O'pry ♥ // Mrs. Padalecki's BFF // Mrs. J.Kazama ♥ // I'mAGleek
Phewww, finally they were getting started. Blake hastily grabbed the book from Lyra hand and smiled at her sweetly, "You wouldn't need, you can share Evan's book." Sticking his tongue out at her, his blue eyes darted back to Nataly.
Success in quidditch? Riiigh. Blake nodded and opened the textbook. Flipping through the pages, he listened carefully to her runes, a Demiguise, an Acromantula and a Unicorn. He looked up from the book and flashed a smile, "I'll be getting to the meanings in a bit but you should know that the first rune is for the past, second for the present and third for the future." He said and leaned back, resting his back on a bucket, placed right behind him.
Blake deliberated for a moment and then began with the interpretations, "The first is a Demiguise which means nonexistent or simply nothing--"
He bit his lip and tried to collect his mind, "So it means that you don't have any past experience of quidditch and you never gave much attention towards this sport...?" Okaaay this was silly and this was making him nervous, what if he's completely wrong and his interpretation was BOGUS?
Major faiiiiil.