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Tibi watched more green gems drop through the Slytherin hourglass as Jake talked. He nodded along, wondering what it would be like to have someone at home who knew magic.
"Maybe it is... and.." Tibi hesitated. Was he insulting Jake? No... he didn't think so... "well.. maybe whatever it is in your head that makes it hard to do magic will go away like being scared did?" Tibi shrugged. "I think it would be a shame if you left." He looked up and down the hall. "I mean.. who else would I talk to? I don't have many friends here." Tibi frowned.
Changing the subject back to families, Tibi leaned his head against the wall, a faraway look on his face. "I wonder a lot what if would be like if my dad hadn't died. If I'd grown up knowing about magic. I mean.. Mum knew, but she didn't tell me. And she can't do any." Would he be better at it? Would he not feel so out of place? Would he not be scared all the time?
Tibi rubbed his eyes. "I miss her loads. We used to spend all our time together, just us. And now I don't see her at all." He frowned again and picked at the knee of his pants. "It's hard."
All Jake did in response to that was shrug. He really had no idea what would happen about that. His self control and whatnot and things to do with his mind weren't exactly... predictable.
"Ahhh, my mother is... was... I dunno, but she went to Hogwarts... and I grew up not knowing I was magic..." Jake explained, actually glad to have someone he could kind of relate to.
"Families are... complicated," he pointed out, watching Tibi.