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Jason Potter Weasley " We are good friends Bella just like you and Vicky are good friends" jason told Bella. "She would not mind us going shopping together for yoru brother" Jason said to Bella. " Vicky knows I have a lots of friends. males and females" Jason said to her. " Vicky probably has a lot of female freinds as male friends, too" he told her. " There is no jealousy from either of us" Jason reassured Bella. "Who knows, Vicky may pick out the best clothes" Jason laughed.
Bella was relieved when she heard this from Jason. she never had friends who had well...who had boyfriends and she never went along with her friend and boyfriend so she thought it would be awkward but listening to Jason she relaxed.
"okie, um...so will we be waiting for Vicky or we will proceed and ask her to join us?" Bella asked
"hey, and do you think Vicky doesnt have fashion sense?" Bella asked as she saw Jason laughing. she always thought Vicky has great artistic and fashion sense.