Professional Twirler Mourned and Missed Quote:
Originally Posted by H_Grainger1322 Arriving at his office with a loud popping sound he let go of the woman's arm and waved his hand effortlessly toward a table and several chairs, watching as they moved toward them and arranged themselves neatly. His magic had gotten better over the months that was for sure. Pulling out a chair he gestured toward the woman, "If you would please sit." Looking at Prometheus he nodded toward the chairs on the opposite side, "If you'll start I need to go grab Forrester." He didn't really feel comfortable about leaving the brand new law enforcement member by himself with a supposed killer but he didn't really have a choice. Pulling the wand that belong to the woman out of his pocket he handed it to Prometheus and headed for the door, "I doubt you'll get much since she's already admitted." Looking at the woman he shook his head, so much for his quiet evening, "I'll be back." Breathing in deeply Patroclus summoned his note pad and quill for thin air, "If I could just get a name and age, we can sit here in silence till my boss gets back," he said trying to calm the erratic woman, "how does that sound?" Quote:
Originally Posted by H_Grainger1322 Walking back in Warren sat down at the table across from the woman and looked at Prometheus, "Forrester will be here momentarily until then..." Turning his gaze back toward the woman he grabbed her wand and held it up, "Care to explain what you were talking about in a logical way?" Setting it down between them he met her eyes and waited for her answer. |