People all over the world now join hands start a love train love train
I love that song ...
Thank you for reading dangrlforever I'm gonna be posting up a storm if I can ...
it's storming here so ... that explains the metaphors. Here's some more ... wish me luck, my Beta's asleep. Connie I almost missed replying to you Connie cuz ya snuck in while I was writing this post.
Go to sleep luv and sleep with the angels
tomorrow you will have this post waiting ...
I hope you like it. Adam, nope. Luke hehehehe haven't used him in a long time ...
nope. Tiffany was on holiday remember. So nope.
Have you read my Unauthorized Autobiography?
Maybe there's a clue there, but I don't think so ...
still you shall know soon enough.
Maybe. ♥
Laura was in London now. She got off at the airport not because she had taken a plane but because it was what was expected and she wanted to mingle in with the muggles. Her father's invisibility cloak had helped to keep her both dry and invisible. Now she stood around looking at all the different people from all over the world popping in and out and going through London on their way everywhere it seemed and she didn't know where to begin.
Just exactly how was she going to find Giovanni. She needed to find him if she was going to tell him how much she loved him.
"Hello there luv, lost?" a boy asked. Laura stared at him and thought he had the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen, they matched his hair.
"Ottery," the girl exclaimed following after him with a clipboard markers, which she was using on the clipboard and a cell phone she hardly ever closed.
"Not now Tiffany, I'm thinking." The boy exclaimed as he paced around the camel trying to figure out how to mount it.
"Ottery, don't be stupid ..."
"I'm going to buy us camels, Tiffany and that's the end of that. A jinx here and a spell there and we'll have them doing a couple hundred miles an hour across the desert in no time." The boy smiled at the trader who glared at him with an expression that seemed to say, 'a fool and his money are soon parted'.
"Ottery!" Tiffany screamed.
"What?!!!!" The boy yelled back.
"I already got us a magic carpet," she explained and the boy blushed and turned away from the used camel salesman whose expression now seemed to be, 'dang woman, you've foiled me'.
"Yeah, well ... do you know how to drive one of these things?" Ottery asked as Tiffany sat him down on it and sat in front 'taking the wheel'.
"Where to boss?"
"We'll do the pyramids first then the sphinx ... with any luck they're still hanging around here somewhere."
"Ottery, if you were in Paris when I called you, why didn't you just hop over to London and confront whoever's posing as you and stealing your operatives?"
"What? And make this any less exciting? I don't think so, wait 'till you see what I've got planned."
"If you're talking about the Lover's Day Ball, I've already sent the invitations."
"There's no keeping any secrets from you is there Tiffany?" the boy held on tightly to the edges of the carpet as she banked hard to the left.
"No, there isn't," she winked in reply.
Ginny and Luna were in the back yard chasing chickens and gnomes practicing what they affectionately referred to as their 'muggle techniques' when the owls arrived. Two separate owls carrying large pink envelopes with wax seals trailing long pink ribbons. They opened them with some trepidation but they smiled and giggled and laughed at the invitation. It was for a week from that day in the city of Paris, a Lover's Day Ball and the envelopes contained tickets for the magic train from London to Paris on the Magic Express, as well as tickets to the ball and directions to the castle outside the city where they would be staying.
"Mum will never let me go. At least not unchaperoned," Ginny remarked suddenly realizing her biggest obstacle.
"It's a costume ball." Luna remarked. "I'm sure father would let me go, but not by myself he wouldn't."
"I wonder if ..."
"Ginny, dear." Came Mrs. Weasley's voice from inside the house. "Come in dear, come in."
Luna and Ginny rushed into the Burrow to find a long white box sitting on the table. They both crowded around it, as Mrs. Weasley pushed it over to Ginny.
"I reckon it's from Ottery. He sent me a letter about the Ball he's hosting in Paris. Wants your father and me to come along, as well as Ron and you."
"Does that mean ...?"
"Well with Harry coming dear, we'll all have to go, won't we?"
"Then I can go, then?" she asked smiling at Luna.
"I suppose so, we can't go until the night of the ball. I can't just leave things here unattended. But Ron and you can go early. Harry, your father and I will come afterwards."
Ginny couldn't help smiling at her brilliant luck. A whole week in Paris alone and unchaperoned. Ron didn't really count he'd be busy with Ottery and they'd probably be doing stupid boy things like making the dog fly or playing quidditch in their underwear while singing bawdy songs and trying to hide from the muggle police.
"Well, aren't you going to open it?" Mrs. Weasley asked. "It's probably your costume for the ball."
Ginny undid the long white ribbon on the box and lifted the lid. She pulled back the pink paper and gasped at what she saw inside the box. It was breathtaking.
Luna grinned.
From upstairs could be heard Ron moaning about not wanting to wear anything so frilly and shiny, how much like a girl he'd look and other such nonsense. Ginny couldn't hear it, Luna didn't know what to make of it, and Mrs. Weasley told him to shut up and wear it, they were invited to Paris.
♥ AN:I've held off as long as I can ...
Next up, I'm sure, is the big reveal. Maybe
I don't know ... I'm writing this on the fly
Thank you all for still reading, for voting on Human Nature, for being cool and for sticking with my seriously weird story. The romance is coming and so is the comedy ... I hope. Giant gorrillas and high speed chases as well, one hopes 2.