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He rolled his eyes at her though he was amused at the same time. "Yes, twice a month. And I can try to be nice if you can." He smirked at her. This could go over either very good or terribly. At the moment he wasn't sure which was more likely.
"Exactly! Hey, wait... Am I really that bad?" Reese was like a sister to him so he didn't really want her to think he was cute or anything. But the way she was talking was as if he wasn't anything great. He had been right in telling Sylvia he wasn't that special. "And it's been wiped from my memory. At least I have Brody." And Sylvia... But why was he thinking like that about Sylvia?
Moving on...
"Okay, Ill buy you some. But just so you know.. You're being melodramatic."
I can?" Reese questioned. "I can be nice. I just, you know, sometimes chose not to be nice. Depends on if someone makes me mad or not. So, try not to make me mad." She winked at the boy before changing back to the subject about Jack.
She smiled and began to shake her head. "Torin, dear, I really don't want to get into this little competition thing you two are having. BUT, I do want to say that I don't think you two should compete for whatever reasdon you two are competiting for. I personally think you and Jack should become friends,"
yessss, "Now, I'm just going to keep my mouth shut now about all this," she explained. "Okay? Okay."
"Brody," she said the girl's name. "I need to officially go meet that girl."
Her face brightened up when Torin said he would buy her some. "Thankssss," she said and then quickly hugged him again. Yay! She was finally getting chocolate after not having any for DAYSSS. "Melodramitic? Pssssh," she added with a grin. "Now, Torin. Let's go get some chocolate." She grabbed the boy's hand and rushed down the corridor, heading towards the exit of the castle.