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Old 09-29-2009, 09:56 AM   #207 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Oz Thickey
Sixth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Leon Odessa
The Eye of Sauron | Zan-y | Snake Charmer

Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
So power as motivation for going into the Dark Arts was correct. Adrienne felt a little better insofar as she thought she'd touched upon that somewhere in her rambling, since it was always nice to know you were right about something. And she hadn't even used anything to augment her chances, so that made it even better. But then the discussion was directed elsewhere, and she found herself raising her hand again. "Well, fear could be a motivator in a couple ways. First off, a wizard or witch could be motivated by the fear their knowledge of the Dark Arts elicits in others, which kind of goes along with the idea of power as a motivator. But then also, a witch or wizard could be motivated to attempt to master the Dark Arts out of fear that they have for themselves. For example, someone learning Dark Magic to protect themself from someone else they see as a threat to their own safety." She stopped herself there, since she didn't want to seem too know-it-all or anything. Even though she was fairly certain if she let herself continue, she would touch on more. She could let others in the class answer too.
"Excellent; the fear that they elicit from others and self-preservation." Ethan nodded.

Originally Posted by Celandine View Post
Cela raised her hand, a little more in control of herself now that the professor had smoothly taken the class in hand again.

"Well, sometimes they have secrets that they don't want uncovered, or maybe they are ashamed of something. Like Voldemort was a halfblood, but he wanted more than anything to get rid of all muggles and mudblo- muggleborn. The two things don't mesh so well. Also, he was afraid of Harry Potter and in general the idea of being defeated and of not being the best. That is why he tried to kill Harry Potter when Harry was just a baby. It was a prophecy that put the fear in him, sir. The strongest fear is that which we create for ourselves."
Ah another Ravenclaw. This one always had an answer.

"Fear of secrets being uncovered and fear of defeat." Truebridge slowly started wandering around the observatory. "The strongest fear is that which we create for ourselves. That is worth noting. Everyone should write that down."

Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Chris raised his hand. He knew that Power was a motivation. He grinned, "Well Professor Truebridge, could a reason fear is a motivaton be because maybe in the past they or their families had been harmed by Dark magic or a Dark person, and now they want to learn it so that they won't be afraid of it being used on them again?" he said
"That is a good example of a cycle of fear and opression and that is one of the ways that blood feuds of old often began. A question for you though Chris, if they learned it so that they will not be a victim of it, do you think they'd use it defensively or offensively? Do you think they'd truly escape being victimized?" Truebridge asked the Gryffindor.

Originally Posted by midget ♥ View Post
"Professor, living in fear, sort of drives you to being totally dependent on something, like some muggles rely on guns and knives, but wizards rely on their wands, and the most harmful this that they know will cause damage is dark magic. So they turn to that.. To get revenge on either someone that put them in fear, or a stereotype of something they are scared of. For example, professors at a school. If someone is in fear of them, it could provoke an attack." That reasoning sounded totally better in her head that it did now it was put outloud. Tammy had decided. From now on, she was staying quiet. Professor Truebridge would probably dismiss her answer, because it was mainly babble.

"Fear creates a dependence or reliance on something. That is true Tammy. If someone is afraid, often they will find something to use as a tool to avoid that fear. Dark Magic is indeed one of those tools. As for provoking an attack," Ethan looked around the class, "Fear and ignorance often go hand in hand. As with my classes, so too I challenge you all to make up your own minds when someone attempts to sway you against a person. Use your reason and your common sense and do not throw any kindling on the fire so to speak."

And that was about as involved as Ethan was willing to get when it came to referring to the whole deal with the werewolves. He himself couldn't care less that Lupa and Bontecou were lycanthropes, it was them personally he had a problem with.

Stupid probation.

Originally Posted by Ameh View Post
"I think, sir... that in their own minds, Dark Artists who are motivated by fear realise what they're doing and what they're capable of, and maybe they believe that if they don't act to put down their own fears, then someone will... er, do to them what they'd thought of doing to others?" That sounded odd. "They take their fear of something and try to prevent it from getting close to them."

Well... hmm. Raiden stared at his hands. His answer hadn't sounded quite like he'd wanted it to. He'd failed at explanation.
Ethan listened carefully, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Sometimes people think, if they ignore something difficult, like a fear, then it will cease to exist. Certainly the 'If I don't do it, someone else will' concept can apply." He nodded encouragingly.

Originally Posted by Mrs. Weasley View Post
"Celadine mentioned Voldemort. Peter Pettigrew joined him because he was afraid of what would happen to him if Voldemort gained control of the wizarding world. During that time a number of people joined Voldemort because they feared the consequences of not joining him. A lot of witches and wizards were killed simply because they were fighting against Voldemort."
"Celandine." Ethan corrected and then listened carefully. "So fear might motivate a dark witch or wizard to join with someone stronger than they are? Would you consider those people to truly be dark? Or just misled?"

Originally Posted by Ama View Post
Daphne examined her nails thoughtfully from where she sat on the squishy bean bag. There were a few answers floating around the classroom and the blond was trying to figure out what she had of important to add. Did she even have anything this time around? Not much.

"Fear of being defeated?" suggested Daphne and promptly realized that she most likely was just regurgitating what everyone else had said. Trying to make up for it, she started talking once more. "Fear of not being strong enough. Fear of death. Fear of being forgotten so there is a need to make one's name remembered? Although--I guess I'm just...repeating..."

Saying the same thing over and over again and--Who was Celadine?
"Ah Daphne, excellent. Fear of being weak and fear of being forgotten are both very good answers. Many Dark Artists desire a legacy." Truebridge continued walking around.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
"Fear is a very powerful emotion. It can cause feelings inside of people that will cause them to act in a number of different ways," LouAnn said, her hand raised high. She lowered it and then continued with her answer. "If people are afraid, they will often times do whatever it takes to conquer that which they are afraid of. Those desiring to master the dark arts may fear a more powerful being, and they feel as if they can better defend themselves if they master a dark art. They may also fear being defeated by those who are against them, and they feel as if mastering a dark art will help them overcome anyone who wishes to battle them."
"Most of those examples are more the case when the witch or wizard in question isn't actually aware that it is fear that is driving them." Ethan observed with an appreciative nod.

Originally Posted by fire_faerie View Post
Fear as a motivator, huh? Rachel, who had kept mostly silent all through the class, decided that now would be as good a time as any to participate. "Fear is the biggest motivator, in my opinion - far more influential than power since the power induces the fear in most cases. For dark wizards, fear is an everyday emotion which they will never admit to feeling," she stated, then paused for a bit to clear her head and continued.

"There is the fear of defeat, fear of death, fear of combat with someone more powerful - but there is also a fear of success, since what does one do after he has achieved his goal of killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people? It's a scary thought to those who base their whole world on something so changeable, so unsteady as the dark arts."
The sixth year blinked after she finished and folded her arms around herself protectively as a shiver ran down her back. This lesson was officially creeping her out - the subject seemed to make the air really cold; like ice.
"Do be careful of generalisations, Rachel. Everyone feels a degree of fear and indeed there are dark wizards that do not have fear at all; they have faced it and overcome it and it no longer has any bearing on their life. But excellent answer! Fear of success is indeed a motivator." Ethan almost smiled in encouragement.

Originally Posted by Orchideae View Post
Listening to his peers discussing their opinions on the matter, Dominic just sat quietly taking it all in. Though after a few moments, Professor Truebridge started the class up again. Listening to the Professor first, and then his classmates responses, Dominic contemplated the question again.

Oh. A motivator for a witch or wizard to master the dark arts. NOT why is it used by dark wizards and witches. Think Dominic, the Hufflepuff scolded himself mentally as he reflected back on all that had been said.

That Gryffindor girl, LouAnn or something, she said something interesting... about fear being a powerful emotion. His eyebrows pulling together in concentration, the seventh year raised his hand. "Perhaps, as someone pointed out, fear motivated a witch or wizard to excel in the dark arts because of the emotions it creates and also the ones caused from it. Fear is, in essence, run by our Sympathetic Nervous System. That is to say the whole concept of 'Fight or Flight' comes from fear and especially for Dark Wizards and Witches, they have become ingrained with the idea of fighting... So if they are afraid of something, then they'll just learn more techniques - dark spells - to help them overcome those obstacles. To help, tame the emotions of fear, if you will."

And that, Dominic had no idea if it even answered the question. Sighing, he propped his hands under his chin, thinking more on the topic of fear.
"Fight or Flight. Some people do believe it is better to stand your ground than to run away." E

than's face closed off for a moment, as if he were somewhere else entirely, but he snapped back in only a moment.

"Of course it really depends on the situation doesn't it? Win or die trying? Fear is, unto itself, a motivator. If you acknowledge that you have fear and work with it, often it can help you more than hinder you."

Truebridge stopped pacing and turned to face the class, looking around and meeting the eyes of each and every one of his students.

"Refering back to the dark wizards we identified earlier, which do you think were motivated by fear? Which by power? One more than the other? Both equally? Lets discuss."
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