Thread: House Rules
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Old 08-31-2004, 04:13 PM
Sir_Spots Sir_Spots is offline

Congratulations on being sorted into Gryffindor. Please read the Rules listed below, they are not intended to find reasons to punish or expell students but rather to give guidelines to you to make this an enjoyable site for everyone. But note, the staff here will not hesitate to use whatever it takes to remove violators of these rules from this site.

If you have any questions about anything on this site and wish to contact one of us your Gryffindor staff this term is:

Head of House --- Professor Phoenix (phoebe_phoenix)

House Moderator --- Miss. Aine Byrne (wonkyfaints)

House Ghost --- Theodore "Spots" Puppington (Spots)

Rules and Regulations:

These are the rules and regulations for Gryffindor House and apply, not only to the Common Room, but to the rest of the school, as well. Failure to abide by these rules could cause the offender to be punished and possibly expelled from Hogwarts.

1. Regarding the dormitories, boys are not allowed in the girls dorm and visa versa. Anyone caught in the opposite sexes dorm will be severely punished and possibly expelled depending on the severity of the offence.

2. Absolutely no public displays of affection. An occasional hug or kiss on the cheek is okay but there will be no snogging whatsoever in this House!!!!

3. No drugs or alcohol will be allowed in this house. If you are caught with any of these items you will be expelled.

4. There will be no illegal activities in this House. This includes the discussion of illegal muggle activities such as the illegal downloading of music and software.

5. This is a Role Play. I don't want the Common Room cluttered up with useless posts which are nothing but ooc. We do not need to know that you are leaving, just have your character leave the room, go to bed, or whatever. You can even just send the people with whom you are RPing a PM telling them goodnight or the reason you are leaving.

Depending on how people behave this term, there may or may not be more rules added later. Keep an eye on this board for changes so you don't get in trouble!!

If you have any rule or behaviour-related questions, please post them here.