Originally Posted by
Jessica94ear Iris looked at Aaron with a slight look of disbelief ... Could he not see that one - Fallon clearly wasn't herself, and two - it was BOTH of them that were pretending to go out - so BOTH of them should have to explain this to Satine, but Aaron should more, seeing as though he started the whole thing, really.
She plastered a sickeningly sweet smile on her face and looked at Aaron, "Where shall I start? There is alot to tell, Yeah, maybe alot of it, you already know. But Satine doesn't. Maybe you could explain to her, briefly, what I have to tell is about?" You started it after all. She then looked at Satine, with a kind smile, hoping that she wouldn't feel left out or anything because she didn't know such a huge thing ...
Aaron was a bit confused. "Didn't we come here so you can explain to us what your brother said?" It wasn't until now that Aaron realized Fallon wasn't herself. "Oh. What's wrong?"
It was Evan. That jerk! What did he do??? He then turned to Iris. "Didn't you already explain me and you to Satine?"