Originally Posted by
SeerCassandraTrelawney "Homework, give a friend a 3 rune spread reading using the Rowling Runes with the
meanings you came up with. It will be due a week from now. Class dismissed."
Abigail jotted down her Homework before packing up. As she left her desk she sent the piece of cake she hadn’t been given a fork to eat a longing look, she’d have to go straight to her room and raid her stash.
As she was leaving she turned to the professor
“Thanks for class professor it was good!” She wasn’t sure how to word what she wanted to say next, but she wanted to try and help the professor so she gave it a go.
“I..erm...I..I hope you don’t think that we all believe what that boy –Theo I think his name was- said. Because we don’t! Well I don’t I can’t really speak for anyone ells, but...yea. Bye.” Blushing to the roots of her hear she quickly left the room before she could rabbit on, or embarrass herself anymore.