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Old 09-28-2009, 01:50 PM   #25 (permalink)

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Default Charms Lesson 1
Big Tuna | Booger | Team Men | Chris's SS!BFAM | Jules says I'm RAD | #Superman | Dustbin

What: Charms Lesson 1
Who: All'o y'all
Where: Here? There? Anywhere!
When: Begins on Wednesday, September 30th (no specific time) and will run for about two days
Why: Because you all needs to be obtaining the learnins!
How: You can walk there, or run there, or skip there, or do the worm there, or side-shuffle there, or do the single ladies dance there, or any other form of foot transportation. I'm no against the MC Hammer crab-scuttle (parachute pants REQUIRED)
Potatoes: YES!
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