Warner Bros has
revealed what the Harry Potter: Wizarding World™
DVD Game, which is out December 1st, will feature:
Year 4
• Quidditch World Cup Escape: Players navigate through a maze of tents and people to make it safely back to the Weasley tent.
• Dumbledore's Office: Players must look carefully around Dumbledore's office to locate items that appear on-screen.
• Marauder's Map: Players make their way from one end of the map to the other, while avoiding teachers and other obstacles.
• Year End Challenge - Dragon Chase: Players navigate the dragon up and around Hogwarts castle spires and through narrow bridges, to get back and protect the golden egg.
Year 5
• Grawp's Gotcha: Players must find and ring Hermione's handlebar bell to distract Grawp and be released from his grasp. Those who are not careful might get tossed into the forest.
• Extendable Ear: By lowering one of Fred and George's Extendable Ears down a stairwell, players have to determine which of a group of characters can be heard talking.
• Dumbledore's Army: After watching Harry teach Dumbledore's Army members how to cast combat spells, players practice what they have learned by casting spells on a Death Eater dummy.
• Ministry Of Magic: To gain entrance to the Ministry of Magic, players have to solve the puzzle within the phone booth that acts as the visitors' entrance.
• Year End Challenge – Falling Prophesies: Players must make their way to the Hall of Prophesies exit while avoiding falling prophecies and Death Eaters.
Year 6
• Advanced Potions: Using the Half-Blood Prince's book, players must remember the proper sequence of ingredients in order to successfully brew their potions.
• Room Of Requirement: Players have four chances to find a hidden object somewhere inside the very crowded Room of Requirement.
• Harry Potter Chronology: Before the clock chimes, players have to place film scenes in the proper chronological order.
• Year End Challenge – Apparition Tests: To pass this test, players must choose the right moment to Apparate into the ring on the floor.
Final Round
• The Pensieve: A concentration game where players must carefully select a specific memory from the many memories swirling in the Pensieve.
The game, priced at $24.98, can be pre-ordered starting October 27
here at Amazon.