This by far had to be the most ridiculous class Damon was ever cursed to have to withstand. For one, the teacher was completely off his rocker. Not even a little bit, not just a hint or a tinge, completely. Utterly, completely, and irrevocably bonkers. There was nothing that could be done for him. Nothing. Even the Insanity Ward in St. Mungos would have their hands full with this one.
Okay, so maybe that was a tad exaggeration... And then Lord Borr demanded that they get up and stretch for Merlin knows what reason. The look on Damon's face was one of complete confusion. Not even a snide thought could come to mind. Nope. No exaggeration here. Completely bonkers.
Now, the tear in his pants, that was epic, or would have been, except trying to refrain from even snickering was pure torture. Not even the dungeon keepers in the medieval era could had devised something so painful. He kept a straight face, minus one arched eyebrow as he looked at the man as though he had no idea why he was doing what he was, but did it anyway, because quite frankly, he wasn't sure what this Borr would do. He stretched his arms up above his head, feeling his shoulders crack. |