Sorry its been a while, school etc. But here i is! I quite like this post, so lemme know if you likey too
Hermione sat alone in the library, looking intently at the large book lying open in front of her. She was trying to read, but she couldn't. She was absentmindeldy fiddling with the necklace around her throat, which had now become a part of her. She felt that it was her life support, that taking it off would result in her gasping for air, and acheing for breath.
She became aware, somehow, of another presence. When she looked behind her, it was to see Nearly Headless Knick looking intently at her, his head tilted to one side at a slighlty more dangerous angle than usual.
Hello Hermione!" He said brightly when he saw she had noticed him. She jumped a little as his booming voice crashed through the quiet library. Madam Pince shot him a venomous look.
"Oh, hello Nick," Hermione replies in a little voice. Nick's eyes softened.
"I'm sorry," he said. "
I didn't mean to startle you." "No," said Hermione, "
No, you didn't."
There was a little pause.
But there is something toubling you," said Nick. It wasn't a question. He waited in silence for her to speak. And, strangely, Hermione felt she could. He was a ghost, was he not? He had experienced human emotions a thousand times in a thousand different ways. He had felt, and he had observed. He was living, yet not so. She felt she could conceal a part of hersel in Nick and he would never tell another soul, living or departed.
Yes, i am," she admitted. Again, his features softened. He didn't promt her, but she continued. "
You see, there is someone that, well, someone that i love actually..." she trailed off.
Ah!!" bellowed Nick, again causing another venomous look from Madam Pince. "Yo
ung love!" he expressed proudly, beaming. But then his face fell slighly.
"But why do you look so glum?" He asked.
"May i enquire as to who the recipient of your young heart is?"
Ahh. Now, Hermione felt as if she could tell Nick anything, but he was, afterall, the Gryffindor ghost. How would he react if he knew it was a Slytherin? She decided to take the bull by the horns and just spit it out.
It's Draco Malfoy," she said slowly.
Nick's featured dropped.
"Ah." He said.
"Yes, well i can see why that might be a problem." He nodded, speaking equally as slowly as Hermione had when she had made her confession.
He paused.
And then, to Hermione's surprise, his features brightened again.
"Well you must do something!" he said, happy once more. Hermione's brow furrowed. He tutted.
"Don't you see?! It doesn't matter!"
"I...err..what?" asked Hermione, who was for one as confused as she had ever been before in her life.
"It doesn't matter!" He replied again. "
You must persue it! In all my years of life (and death) i have discovered that love is the only important thing in life! When one is dead, one does not get to love. One can care, oh yes, but one can never love the way you would have when you were alive!"
Hermione thought about this.
But Ron hates me," she argued.
"Well, what did you expect, really?" said Nick, waving this away with a pearly hand. "
But he'll come around." He smiled gently. "
But, please, take my advise. You may live to regret it later." He smiled sadly and turned away, leaving Hermione sat alone again, more confused than ever.
Still, her hand wound round and round the comforting chain around her neck.