Originally Posted by
Berty Borr
"I'll TELL YOU WHY," Lord Borr was getting ANGRY THAT he couldn't GET out of the chair. How was he supposed to TEACH!? ETHAN TRUEBRIDGE WOULD PAY FOR THIS!
With that thought and REALLY LOUD RIPPING NOISE, Lord Borr PROPELLED himself out of the chair. What Lord Borr did NOT know was that he'd torn a HUGE hole in the backside of his trousers.
Huge. Hole. In. His. Trousers. Huge. Hole. In. His. Underwear.
Lord Borr tapped his cane loudly as he turned his back on the class and approached the chalk board, "I CHOSE this time because IT IS DAY TIME! IF you want to GET anywhere in this world you have to be AWAKE DURING THE DAY. Sleep at NIGHT. Awake during the day," Lord Borr started beating the chalkboard with his cane to make the message sink, "SLEEP AT NIGHT!"
"You can't be awake ALL DAY LONG and ALL NIGHT LONG! You have TO CHOOSE one, or the OTHER! AND CLASS? I'm choosing FOR YOU! I CHOOSE for you to be awake during the day, where you STAND A CHANCE to GET A JOB! ONLY skulking creatures and UP-TO-NO-GOODERS ARE AWAKE ALL NIGHT! ASTRONOMY IS POINTLESS AT NIGHT! POINTLESS! Get a REAL job, I say!!! You may ALL THANK ME ONE DAY!"
Lord Borr felt a draft. "Raiden. Sebastian. Go close the windows, my men. Lock them up tight."
"As for the rest of you --- I want you to STAND UP. AND STRETCH. I want you to stand and STRETCH as HIGH AS YOU CAN. Stand up on the desk even. I know half of you are part monkey. GO ON. GET UP. GO ON! STRETCH UP AS HIGH AS YOU CAN."
Lord Borr started around the room, observing and watching, observing and watching. "HURRY UP WITH THOSE WINDOWS, BOYS!" Really drafty in this old room.
Blake's mouth hung open when Berty THE Borr turned to face the board. Okay there was a hole in his trousers, FIIIINE no big deal BUT there was one BIG hole right in the middle of his UNDERWEAR, SQUEEEEEEE!!
This class was sooooo entertaining, .sniff.sniff. Blake was so happy that he could cry. Even though Borr was a lunatic & a bully and he insulteeeed Blake, his class was the most funniest and unforgettable evvver. Blake felt like standing up and asking the class for a huge round of applause for such a prefect bottom the Professor was wiggling and flashing around.
However, his poor eyes were suffering, it didn't want to see such an absurd sight. Sighing, he closed his eyes and placed his chin on the desk. Ahh he could hear his ear-bleeding voice. Barking why he didn't conduct a class at night. He didn't like astronomy one bit but liked to stay awake late sooo he belonged in the
UP-TO-NO-GOODERS, whatever.
But what made him jump was the horrendous yelling. Blake stood up and covered his ear, "
Please Siirrr, don't yell..please?. It'll save your energy and all of us can hear perfectly fiiiine too, believe me Siiirrr we can." He said coyly and forced a smile with a painful expression on his face while looking down at his feet, that bum was scarrry for a fourteen year old.