Originally Posted by
Golden Monkey
"Sir, the only way we can learn about Astronomy is at night, when the stars are out. Some of us actually like the class and wish t do something that had this subject when they grow up. for you to tell us that this class is a waste of time is disrespectful of every professor who has ever taught it. You have no right to say something like that. You're disrespectful Sir and I for one will not take it anymore." he said in an oddly calm voice, his breath coming in gasps.
"You ernt need to be up at night to learn Astronomy," Arrick drawled from his corner at the back of the class. "That's what projectors n' observatories n' video are for. People write down things so they can be studied at all sorts of times."
He wasn't defending 'Lord' Borr, of course, but he hated inconsistencies slipping by. And speaking of 'Lord' Borr...good heavens. He did NOT need to see old balmy codger bum sticking out of oversized trousers. Arrick averted his eyes and looked at the ceiling instead.
This class had gone to the dogs for sure, now. It was only a matter of time before fits were pitched.