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Old 09-25-2009, 04:12 AM   #183 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Originally Posted by Berty Borr View Post

"Ahhhh!" Lord Borr's eyes fell upon two well dressed, appropriately well spoken young Slytherin men. Lord Borr had had great success with Slytherins in the past. GREAT success. Seemed to be a pattern. "Bravo, men, BRAVO. Please, get up and bring your desks up to here beside my desk. SIT BESIDE ME. You've earned the right. LORD BORR IS PROUD OF YOU. Hurry now, hurry. Don't have all day! WELL DONE MEN."

These two would be getting invitations to the Lounge, Lord Borr decided.
Lord Borr made another attempt to get out of his chair, but it just wasn't happening for him. So he rolled in and among the Ravenclaws and Slytherins he had invited to the front of the room.

"THERE ARE NO stars out at this time of day. There are no meteor showers, or constellations, or WORTHLESS MOONS AND PLANETS out at this time of DAY." Lord Borr tapped his cane on the desk of Celandine Toussaint and then on Sebastain's desk. BRIGHT students. BRIGHT FUTURES. "Tell me, class, then WHY do you suppose I am having class now? GO ON. TELL ME. WHY DID I, LORD BORR, have your ASTRONOMY class in the middle of the day??"
Twitch. Twitch.

This man... was obviously addled, but far be it from Raiden to point that out to him. Politeness was a requirement even for the most insane of professors, after all. He resisted the urge to sink deep into his seat and eventually under the desk, swallowed, and tentatively raised his hand. Why did he have to sit up here away from the rest of the class. WHY. WHY. He did not like this at all.

"Sir, is it because the sun is the most important star we know of? It seems prudent that we learn about the most important star from-" Oh Merlin his brain hurt as he spoke the next words- "-such an important man as yourself."

It was only right to keep the insane complacent until you could report them and have them removed, after all. He'd pushed Miss Willow out of her chair with his cane, and had spent the entire class so far shouting... The natural avoidance reaction was kicking in. Raiden didn't want to be prodded out of his chair with the cane as well.
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