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"Ahh! Oui! Ten points to the man with the fantastic accent," Chad laughed pointing to Mr. Spence, trying not to fall over laughing. Ohh, that had been simply amazing.
Clearing his throat and deciding that it would be best to calm down so that he could continue, Chad ruffled a few papers, to jog his memory about what exactly it was that they had to do. "Ah....oui," he mumbled, finally remembering and then looking back to the crowd.
"Time to be serious," he sighed and looked around the room. "Our department is required to release an official statement: should creatures be allowed to attend? More specifically, which ones? We do have to keep in mind..that there is a vast population that where we need to please at least the majority. So, this means taking into account the recent events at Hogwarts. PLUS, the fact that the quidditch world cup is set to take place very close to another full moon.
"Beast division employees: What are your feelings or thoughts on this?"
"Well, my names Jack Berusen and I just got a job in the werewolf registry and Capture Unit. Thus when it comes to werewolves I think if werewolves are to be allowed to attend we have to have to have a way of ensuring them leaving atleast 30 minutes before midnight of the fullmoon cause even under the wolfsbane potion they will still turn into a werewolf and even if their not vicious people may freak out at just the same at just the sight of one and we can't have chaos like that at an event as big as this.".