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Old 09-24-2009, 06:18 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe View Post
"Sure an owl won't freak them out a little? I know when my letter came, it squicked me out, tapping on the window." Tibi laughed; his mum had known what was going on, but he sure hadn't.

"Seattle? Cool." Tibi had only a vague recollection of where that was, but didn't let on. "We live just outside London. Mum's a reporter, so it helps that she's close to the city."
Rayedem gave it a little thought, then said, "My mom would be tolerant, but dad, I don't know about dad," he gave it more thought, "Let's just hope he wouldn't shoot it up when it came knocking on our window."

"A reporter? Wow, that's awesome. My mom's an accountant," he nodded, "dad, however, has his own company." shrugging a little, he continued, "He's never the family man. Bit of a workaholic." Rayedem repressed an urge to explode and start rambling about him.

He glanced around for a moment, scanning the great hall. There weren't a lot of people there. Then, as he was looking around, a sudden thought came to him, "Hey, what muggle sports do you like? I think I'm gonna spend my holiday in London, you know, I'd be staying in the Leaky Cauldron and have loads of fun, and I'd even visit your place," he paused, "if.. If mom would come with me, that is."
it's been about three years now, ain't seen or heard from you,

I've been missing you crazy..

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