SPOILER!!: Bwah haha
Originally Posted by
Berty Borr
Lord Borr was DISGUSTED. He could have LITERALLY THROWN UP in his waste bin.
"ONLY ONE STUDENT... ONE! ONLY ONE.. greeted me properly. ONE SOPHISTICATED HUMAN IN HERE? Were the rest of you RAISED IN A BARN??"
"YOU THERE," Lord Borr pointed his cane at the boy's head. "UP HERE WITH ME. Bring your parchment. Bring your quill. BRING YOUR GOOD MANNERS."
If looks could kill, these students would have never been born.
"WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!" Lord BORR COULD NOT BELIEVE HIS EYES. OR EARS! "Are you TALKING??? Are you T A L K I N G?" Lord Borr paused to take a breath, then burst out once more, "HOW DARE YOU! I come to Hogwarts to TEACH you! To SAVE you from the grasps of being a no-wit and you TALK IN MY CLASS??? DID I SAY you could talk? DID I say 'SIT DOWN and have a CHAT with WILLIAM??" I don't THINK SO!!!"
Lord Borr turned back to the student that he'd instructed to come stand with him. The GOOD student. Funny how it was almost always a BOY. "WRITE their NAMES down! Write their names and put "DISRESPECTFULLY CHATTING" beside their names."
Lord Borr waved his cane wildly and pointed around the room. "The rest of you are to GET UP. LEAVE my room. THEN RE-ENTER in a fashion that is RESPECTFUL! You will learn to GREET Lord Borr and people of IMPORTANCE PROPERLY!"
LouAnn snapped to attention when the Borr man started yelling, again quite
LOUDLY. No frazzling wonder the current History of Magic professor vacated his office so willingly. One look at this Borr man---yelling and screaming, with his cane waving so wildly about---and one would be willing to do lots of things they'd normally
not do. Only
one sophisticated student, though?
One? What was wrong with the way the rest of the students entered? To say that LouAnn was confused would be an understatement.
Flabbergasted would be a little closer to what she was at this very moment.
What had that one boy, some Ravenclaw LouAnn of course didn't know, do that the rest of the students hadn't? Whoa. Wait. Whaa?
Everyone had to re-enter the room and greet the professor---properly? LouAnn supposed it was the way she glanced down and didn't meet the professor's eyes that did it in for her the first go round. Maybe she should glance up and look the man eye-to-eye this time? Or, maybe she should just get in line
after a few others, so that she could watch and see what they did. Hmm...alright. That sounded good to her.
LouAnn stood from her chair, grabbed her bookbag, and walked back out the door. Frightening, this was.
Frightening. Once in line, LouAnn watched as a Ravenclaw girl---oh, brave soul---entered with her nose in the air. A few others greeted the professor by saying
hello and
how are you and
you're looking well. All sorts of random polite phrases that LouAnn supposed would be easy enough to say. When her turn rolled around, LouAnn smiled and greeted the professor with, "Hello, Professor Borr. I'm LouAnn Purple. It's nice to meet you." There. She came, saw, and conquered, and was free to return to her seat. She took a deep breath, then went right back to the seat she'd sat in before.