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You step inside a large room and immediately notice that it is filled with those devilish Cornish Pixies. Professor Lawson, has enlarged them so that they now stand at 4 feet.
The moment they see you, they begin to cause absolute havoc and chaos. Throwing books and lamps at you. They pull at your robes and hair. Using the spells that you learnt in class, take on the pixies and get them back into their cages.
So basically for this piece of homework, I would like you to RP your character taking on the Cornish Pixies using the spells you were taught in DADA class. You need only post the once. The more creative you are, the more points you will earn.
This homework is due exactly one week from today making it Tuesday 29th September. 2am GMT.
It is worth a total of 10 points.
Have fun!!!
(For 1st - 3rd years only)
Ellie was excited about her first piece of homework. Although she had only had one DADA lesson, it was easily her favourite. Her homesickness had all but disappeared now, thanks to talking with her head of house. "Hullo, Professor Lawson," she said brightly, entering the room. She soon let out a small cry when she was hit over the head by a small book, and almost screamed when she saw the large pixies. "They're never this big!" she gasped, before rolling up her sleeves, trying to remain calm. "Hey!" she said, as a few pixies began to pull at her robes and hair. "
Stupefy!" she cried, and the pixies dropped one by one to the ground. She was soon attacked again, by a shower of books and lamps and pixies pulling her hair and robes. "
Pertificus Totalus!," she was moving her wand quickly, working calmly, and she surprised herself, because she thought she would panic. "
Locomotor Mortis!". Sharp wand movements, pixies falling to the ground, Ellie's hair getting pulled and her robes almost ripped. A few more spells performed and the room was littered with pixies which Ellie hastily placed in their cage. She stuck her wand back in her robes and smiled. "All done, Professor Lawson," she said. "That was an interesting homework task. I can't wait till our next class! Good bye for now!" And she skipped out of the classroom, so pleased with her homework.