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Old 08-30-2004, 07:40 PM
Sir_Spots Sir_Spots is offline

General Information

- House dormitories
No boys allowed into the girls' dormitories. There is a very efficient system in place to prevent this, so don't even try. Also, all Gryffindor girls, stay clear of the boys' dormitories; you can speak to your friends in the common room if necessary. If boys are caught in the girls' dormitories, or girls in the boys', punishment will ensue.

- Classes
Anyone who has been sorted may attend the different classes. There is no limit to how many you want to take; you can take all of them if you wish to, just a few of your favourites (so Flying Lessons and Herbology, of course ), or none at all. However, keep in mind that participating in class and doing the homework that your teachers set allows you to win house points and will help Gryffindor to win the house cup! You can also check the Class Notification Board in case you missed a lesson, but still want to turn your homework in.

- Detention
Yes, if you broke the school rules, you may receive detention as a punishment and/or lose points. This is up to any staff member to decide. Detentions will be served in the Detention Dungeon. How do you get detention? There are multiple reasons, but these are the most common:

Ø Sneaking into the wrong dormitories
Ø Cursing and being rude / offensive to other students or staff members
Ø Coming into class saying "Sorry, I'm late" or "What are we doing anyway?" (if you missed the start of a class, just act as if you were there all the time and read the previous posts to understand what you are doing)
Ø … get the idea?

How do you earn points then, you ask? Here are the possibilities:

Ø Homework assignments
Ø Extra credit work
Ø Class participation
Ø Helping students or professors
Ø Quidditch games

- Hogsmeade Weekends
Hooray, they exist! This is a time for you and your friends to get out of the stifling walls of the school and have some fun. Be aware, however, that teachers like to take a break as well and are close-by. The rules of the entire school still are valid, even if you are outside! Check out the shops and cafés and have a good time (here). Who is allowed to go? Everybody—except those students who are in detention. Also be aware that if you bring Dungbombs from Zonko's Joke Shop to your lessons, you will probably find yourself in detention soon.

- Quidditch
Every house has its own house team, as well as a reserve team and anybody can try out for the teams. I suggest you have a look at the Quidditch Announcements Board, once it gets established, to check out on the requirements and the way the game is played. If a team wins a match, house points will be awarded. Every house can also have a cheerleading team, which can also be checked out on the Quidditch Announcements.