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Old 08-30-2004, 07:37 PM
Sir_Spots Sir_Spots is offline

In a corner of the Gryffindor Common room next to the large portrait of the Quidditch Cup that Gryffindor captured several years back, you can hear a faint sound as if the large crowd in the painting was still cheering the victory. A ghostly figure appears wearing the charred, scarlet and gold uniform of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team.

“Welcome Gryffindors,” the figure says, “I am Theodore “Spots” Puppington. My teammates nicknamed me “Spots” saying that, as the seeker, I could spot the snitch from a mile away. I was the Gryffindor Quidditch team seeker a few years back when we won the cup, this cup in fact,” as he signaled to the portrait behind him. “I remember holding up the snitch in my hand to celebrate our victory when I saw a flash of light and heard a loud bang. My teammates said I was hit by a tremendous bolt of lightning, which would explain these charred marks on my uniform.

Evidently, my love for Quidditch and flying was enough that I didn’t pass on , so I now haunt the Classrooms, Halls and the Quidditch pitch at Hogwarts as your House Ghost looking for my former Team. I still have the snitch I caught in my hand,” he says, holding up the small golden-winged ball tightly grasp in his left hand.

"As you may have heard as we gathered the other night after the opening feast, I will be teaching flying lessons and officiating the Quidditch matches this term. I hope to see many of you there."

“Please feel free to ask me questions, I shall try to answer them as best as I can, or greet me whenever you see me on the grounds. Remember to support our team this term or if you feel you have the drive and the talent, try out for the team yourself. Good luck and welcome to Gryffindor.”