Originally Posted by
midget ♥
Tammy pouted and wrapped her small infantile arms around Shana, she couldn't see her get emotional. She just couldn't. One person crying, and that was it, all people down.. sobbing.
"I dunt want to leave, but I have to sweetiee. We have a year. A year a year a year." She repeated, half soothing Shana, and half soothing herself. It wasn't nice knowing that in a year.. She was gone, no more Hogwarts.
Cuddling Tammy she sniffled.
But..Buut.Torin's being all mean to me and now your leaving soon an its NOT FAIR! she shouted.Hmph! Cuddling her head into Tammy's chest and letting a few tears roll down her face.No,She wasn't crying Shana Miller didn't cry.NEVER.
You can't leave me with Torin and Evil Brody.Youhave to come back and be a professor.