to everyone :) once again DivaDivaDiva ||Candy Cane Mama||
She gritted her teeth and forced a smile as Ian spoke up. Just be quiet. The man loved to hear the sound of his own voice. Don't encourage him to keep talking, just ignore him as the words that spewed from his mouth. She couldn't believe how much she disliked that man. It was uncanny for her. She didn't dislike anyone.
Well this Hunter woman was certainly an eager beaver. Egypt spoke up after Hunter. "I think that we should take a deeper look into just how we got the Quidditch Cup for a second year. That is highly unusual. And I fear there are some people that aren't keen on that idea. So I think that should be a news feature. I mean if this is a carry over from Minister Cooper's administration something could have been done under the table seeing as how he owns a quidditch team, and if this is from Minister Taylor's administration she might have had to give up something pretty big to get this, and we should know what that is." Egypt smelled a rat with this whole thing. She knew for fact that Ireland had all but tried to give away their leprechauns for the Cup. "I would be willing to work that angle." she offered.
She was the News editor she could take whatever story she wanted right?
She stayed out of the little design spat some of hte layout poeple were having it looked like it was going to get pretty nasty and she didn't have the stomach for it right now.
She reached out and gripped Nathan's hand. He was getting himself so worked up. She didn't want him to storm out of the office and straight to Hogwarts to pull Paris out of school. She would raise holy hell over it. She was Quidditch Capitan again and she wasn't letting anyone stand in the way of getting that cup. Egypt couldn't deal with a upset Paris and a nervous Nathan. That would just be too much to handle. "Its alright Nathan," she whispered trying to calm her husband.
She raised an eyebrow at the new reporter as she looked at Nathan. She didn't like that one bit. "Well Hunter I am sure my husband's reaction is not the only one we will see from this terrible tragedy." Egypt stated firmly. "I think that a feature on a few parents of Hogwarts children might do well to help some parents be at ease about sending their children back to Hogwarts. Maybe we can add in a recipe for the Wolfsbane potion, give its history and how to proper administer it. I mean not only do we have a werewolf professor that has attacked the Headmaster, now the Headmaster is infected. Regardless of the Ministry questioning him parents are going to be uneasy about this and Nathan's reaction shouldn't be brushed under the rug. He isn't the only parent thats going to freak out. We should anticipate this fallout and stay ahead of it." She said. She was scared for her children just as much as Nathan. She didn't care if no one else agreed with her. But they needed to keep this in the news. It was scary and exciting all at the same time.
No one looked at her husband like that when she was around. She looked back at Nathan and thats when she noticed his hair. What on earth had he done with it? She knew he didn't like for her to mess about in his hair, though he let the little trollop of a mirror say anything she wanted to about his hair. Ever so slowly and gently she reached out her hand and ran it through his hair. And to her horror whatever it was that he put in his hair acted like glue and her hand was stuck in his hair! She let out a nervous cough and yanked on her hand. She felt some hair come loose as she freed her hand. Well at least his hair wasn't sticking up anymore.
She returned her attention back to Rico. She really hated having to do that to Hunter, but someone jumping on Nathan really brought out her claws. Nathan didn't mean any harm by getting upset. He had children at Hogwarts and any other parent would have understood his reaction. Hunter didn't have to make him feel stupid for that. "Oh yes Rico, err um Boss Man," she smiled seeing as how every time Hunter called them that his chest puffed out a little more. "I think a cultural look at the other teams home countries would be wonderful for Lifestyle to take a look at it. They can cover everything from food, to travel to points of interest, getting a few common words in their language would also be fun since they will be here in Britain for a few weeks." She offered. She would have loved to have done something like that when she was in Lifestyle. But she rather thought it was prudent to keep each section reporting on its own sections "news", She didn't want anyone to feel like their beat was being taken over by another reporter in another section. And Hunter seemed to be about to step on a lot of toes, and she was the new girl.
Egypt tried to remain silent while Ian was up on his pretty little horse but she couldn't stand to listen to him talk any longer. She didn't know what she hated more Ian or the fact that she hated him. "Perhaps if we stop thinking of ourselves as the only game in town we could increase our readership. There are a lot of wizards moving to the UK who would rather get their hometown paper delivered than get the Daily Prophet. This superiority complex might be turning some readers off. There is always room for improvement." She felt really bad for getting into it with Ian, but she really disliked that man.
She cleared her throat. She just hated that he brought out that side of her."With that being said maybe we can do like the muggles do at big sporting events. They have a jumbotron that displays dozens of advertisements all on one screen. Its sort of a slid show. So maybe in the same space we can have more than one advertisement. That way we can sell more space without increasing the size of the paper or the ad space. That way we can do a few of the articles in different shapes. Like if we do a feature on someone we can have some of their quotes outline their face or something. I've seen some muggle magazines do that." She rather thought that was a splendid idea.
Leave it to Ian to be lazy as well as arrogant. Gah, she hated thinking ill of someone else. She needed to do something this just wasn't healthy. There was good in everyone.
__________________ ♣♣To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower♣♣ 
♣♣Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour♣♣
Last edited by Tommehbell; 09-20-2009 at 09:22 PM.