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"Iiiiiiii didn't do anything Mister. It was all you. You're a dull fellow though. Is this the best you could do? A room filled with book? You must be a Claw." She shook her head and backed away from the room.
A little first year finds the room of requirements and have no idea at all about what to do and how he made it appear. She shrugged. Such is life.
" I hope you don't use this room to hide from teachers little one," she said voicing the wonderdul idea that had just plopped into her head. She didn't want to go searching for a hiding place and then he's in there, surrounding by rows of books.
She would definitely starve.
"So are you going to check it out or not?" she asked prodding him gently towards the door.
Stunned and confused, Rayedem said,
"It.. Was me? Wait, I didn't want it to.. Transform into a room. All I ever done was think about my last Arithmancy lesson, and I--"
Wait, could it be? Rayedem's logic began to play.
Room of Requirement.. I was in need of something that could help me cope with the lessons.. Books? Is that it? Right. I get it. "You're right, I'm a Ravenclaw. Rayedem Roumimper, first year. You?" he continued excitedly, almost smiling then,
"Nah, I was really looking for more books, really, maybe." he was sure the girl would understand even though he's speaking contradictory. He took another look to the room behind him and gave it a little thought.
"Maybe I will.. But it won't lock me inside, will it? Are you gonna come?" he asked, feeling hopeful yet scared, but also curious of what's ahead of him.