Timothy walked slowly into the owlery to find Uriel his small black owl. He walked carefully, as to not step in droppings, until he saw the small shape of Uriel huddled with Timothy's brother's owl Raphael. He coaxed Uriel down after a while and attached this message written is Russian to his cousin Nath,
SPOILER!!: actual letter non English translation
Хороший товарищ дня кузен, мое время здесь пока было трудно, но я сделал некоторых друзей, включая Tavelon Martimus (я полагаю, что Вы могли бы знать родственника его в Министерстве, Blackstone?), и я также узнал очень многих других, также я имею gooten, сортированный в дом Ворона, (Ravenclaw?). Я надеюсь, что Вы хорошо провели время там в нем министерство.
ПОСТСКРИПТУМ: Вы могли послать мне много леденца?
Good day comrade cousin, my time here so far has been difficult, but I have made some friends, including Tavelon Martimus (I believe that you might know a relative of his at the Ministry, a Blackstone?), and I have also gotten to know a good many others, also I have gooten sorted into the house of the Raven, (Ravenclaw?). I hope that you have had a good time there at he ministry.
PS: could you send me lots of candy?
Timothy attached the letter and sent it off to his Cousin at the ministry, he then looked around at the rest of the people dotted around the owlery....nothing to say to them, so he walked out and back to the rest of Hogwarts...