There Godric was! Ellie ran over to him, rather scary the owls a little because she was running. She called him over and he sat on her shoulder. "Hi Godric!" she said. "Oh, are you OK? Are the other owls nice to you? I hope they are. Have you made some nice owl friends? Anyway, I know we've only just got here, but I want you to send this letter to Mummy and Daddy OK? You know where to go!" She attached a letter she'd written late last night, it was rather scruffy, but still.
"Dear Mummy, Daddy and Joseph. I have been sorted into Gryffindor! Just like you predicted, Daddy, although I'm still a little surprised the Sorting Hat did mention that my family had been sorted into Gryffindor and that I would do well here and that I belong in it and the Sorting Hat has never been wrong, right? Anyway, everyone is nice so far. The common room is just how you described it Daddy! And the beds are very soft and comfortable. I'm looking forward to starting my classes. The feast was yummy, but Mummy you were right, not many vegetarian options. Never mind, the treacle tart was out of this world. Hope you are all OK, I miss you all dreadfully and love you lots and lots and lots and lots. Love Ellie xxx
She watched as Godric gave a soft hoot and then fly off. Watching him fly out of sight, she then left the owlery, keen to get out because of the smell!