Scorpius was so worried after reading the letter that he couldn’t even enjoy supper properly. Slytherin doesn’t have a very respectable reputation, but it is as good as any other house. It is special in its own way. Be nice to everyone, and they’ll be nice to you too. You have to perform well and prove to everyone what a good student you are, and that Slytherin is fortunate to have you!He couldn’t forget his father’s words. He was relieved that his father believed him, but he was upset as well. He felt really sorry about having lied. He didn’t want to; it was just because he was dreading his father’s reaction. Though he never felt any pressure on him from his father, he had always had a feeling that Draco wanted him to be a Slytherin.
Albus was helping himself to minced pies. He was eating as much as he could; nowhere would he ever get such delicious food! This was his third helping.
`Scorp, don’t you want some more potatoes? ‘Albus asked Scorpius. `You haven’t tried the bacon yet, have you? C’mon, help yours—‘Albus stopped talking. He noticed that Scorpius wasn’t even listening to him. He seemed worried, but Albus couldn’t make out why he was worried. His parents didn’t have any problem with him being friends with Scorpius, than what was bothering his best friend?
`What’s up with you, mate? Aren’t you hungry?’ Jacob asked from the other side. He and Albus exchanged glances.
`Maybe its best to leave him to his thoughts. We’ll ask him later. Let’s not destroy the feast because of him!’ James said. He was enjoying the meal best. But the next thing that happened distracted Scorpius too.
James reached his hand out to pick up the goblet, which started moving on its own in mid air. James gasped, and tried to catch the goblet, but it flew towards Rose and Vanessa. Trying to make out what was happening, Albus took out his wand. He decided that it was the perfect moment to practice the Summoning Charm.
`Accio Goblet!’ he cried.
The goblet flew towards him, and it was about to tip over. He tried to grab it, but Jacob did the same thing that Albus did. This time the goblet really did tip over, pouring juice all over poor Scorpius, who was sitting between Jacob and Albus. In the midst of all this, Rose, Vanessa, Gabrielle, James and his friend David were having a good laugh at the clumsy situation. This certainly caused Scorpius to forget about the lie and Draco’s letter. After moaning for a moment, he joined in the laughter.
Back in the Gryffindor common room, Vanessa was scolding Rose.
`Why on earth did you have to practice the Levitation Charm at supper today?’ Vanessa said.
`I was just showing you! You have to say it correctly, like Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa.’ Rose replied, giggling slightly.
`But why did you target my goblet which was half-filled with juice at that moment?’ James joined in the conversation. `Poor Scorpius!’
Rose grimaced at the name. `Serves him right for being such a nuisance!’
`But he hasn’t been a nuisance!’
`He’s a Malfoy!’
`So is that his fault if he’s the son of Dad’s and Uncle Ron’s enemy?’
`You people can argue till morning, I’m going to bed!’ Vanessa said, yawning.
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