Name: Edward Anthony Kim
D.O.B: March 18, 2045
Age: 23
Born: Seoul, South Korea
Lives: London, England
Marital status: Single
Family: Joseph Kim (father), Demetria Kim (nee Hathaway, mother), Alice and Isabella Kim (twin younger sisters)
Appearance: With black eyes, short black hair and a typical Asian star babyish face, Edward was the subject of many wooing (and swooning, too) coming from his female schoolmates everywhere he attended in Korea. He stands at 5’11’’, and his figure is slightly muscular – he have only taken up trips to the gym recently. If you asked any of his fan girls about why they kept falling for him, they will definitely say that it is his million dollar, dazzling smile. He used to wear earrings but took them off once he saw the disdained look on some people’s faces, who were probably thinking something along the line of “What is with that guy?”.
History/Background: Born to Demetria (nee Hathaway) and Joseph Kim, both belonging to pure-blood families in England and Korea respectively, and partly named after the fictional character Edward Cullen in one of his mother’s crazy Twilight fangirling rampage. Even though he lives in the elite social of the purebloods, he has a vast knowledge about Muggle-related things because his parents did not spoiled him, and they also taught him not to be stuck-up because of his blood status. At the age of 11, his family received a pigeon from the Seoul Academy of Magic, which disappointed his mother greatly because she wanted her son to attend Hogwarts of all places. At school, he paid great attention to studying, ignoring the mesmerised fangirls around, and participating as Seeker in the Quidditch team.
Upon graduating, he took up a job as a Muggle hardware store assistant in Incheon, Seoul. However the store was raided one night by robbers, and so its owner broke down in poverty. Upon being discharged from that occupation, his mother persuaded her son to try for a chance in London. So he followed her advice - Edward applied for a Sports Journalist position in the Daily Prophet, then almost fell out of his computer chair in surprise upon receiving the acceptance owl.
Personality: He cares little for making money because his family had plenty. For Edward, what truly matters is that he gets to work, to dream and to be someone he wants to be in life. He puts 110% of his guts into everything he does, and is not interested in competition at all. The guy once said that if he hadn’t been dragged by the ear by his mother to London, he would have taken up acting in dramas just because that was another dream of his since younger times, apart from being a journalist of course. Upon looking at him, you would get the impression that he is a very optimistic, all smiley-faced guy… not. That is just his appearance to the world, in order to mask what he feels inside (often negative).
- Sensitivity
- Self-sacrifice
- Altruism
- Friendliness
- Caring
- Escapism
- Negative moods
- Quidditch above all
- Acting
- Singing
- People who are friendly to him
- KFC & McDonald’s, yum!
- Golfing
- Coffee and tea
- Travelling (has been to Taiwan, Japan, China, Vietnam, France, U.S… yada yada yada.)
- Rainy days
- Liars
- Hypocrites
- People who calls him ‘Eddie’ (Ed is OK with him)
- Destructive criticism
- Broken computer soft/hardware, most annoyed with jammed printers and photocopiers