Thread: Harry Potter: Bright Lights - Sa16+
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Old 09-17-2009, 09:37 PM   #164 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

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x11 x11
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
“Perhaps they have more subtlety than you?” His chocolate brown eyes were full of contempt.

Teddy clenched his teeth, biting back the sarcastic remark that he was desperate to fling at Smith.
Woah! Talk about a meanie! Can i fling a remark at him? *takes out wand and prepares for a fight*

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
Teddy fought the urge to transfigure Smith into a lemon. Instead he looked through the paperwork that Harry had given them.
Haha! I want to transfigure him into something! Hmm... Hard. Lemon or pig? Maybe a donkey?

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
Teddy looked down at his robes, which were blue with turquoise stars and moons on them.
Ooh! Cute robes! I like the sound of them! Reminds me of Dumbledore for some reason! Good choice Teddy!

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
“Not at all.” Smith stepped out of the lift ahead of Teddy, a twisted, satisfied smirk flashing across his face.
I don't like the way he's smirking! There's something wrong! *stalks them*

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
John Smith’s snide voice cut into the conversation. “I wouldn’t trust him Moore; he’ll probably fall over his own feet and smash your phial.”

“Oh what would you know pumpkin head?” Teddy was immediately defensive. No-one irritated him in quiet the same way as Smith.
Does he really like being mean or something?! I think there's something wrong with him! Teddy's a nice person, you know! No-one irritates me quite so much as this guy (apart from my maths teacher ). Go Teddy! That line was funny! *thinks about transfiguring him into a pumpkin*

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
“Oh do me a favour!” Teddy took two strides away from the desk when he felt something catch him by the ankles. With both hands full he couldn’t save himself. There was a nasty crunch of crystal as he hit the floor and both phials broke.
Ok. Now there's something wrong! Wow! I bet it was Smith! I bet he had a hand in it.

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
He muttered “You should keep that face Lupin, it looks better than anything else I’ve seen you try.”

As Professor Boot Deflated him, Teddy seethed that Smith had managed to avoid trouble. After growing up around George Weasley, he knew what a Trip Jinx Felt like.
*gasps* I knew it! Evil little bugger! I can't believe he used a Trip Jinx! Honestly! Silly little boy! I can't believe he didn't even get into trouble! That's so sad on poor Teddy!

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
“John Smith.” The two words felt more like two sharp slaps to Teddy.
OMG! That guy is seriously evil! You can't take a girl Teddy likes like that! I bet he doesn't even like her! Smith i mean. I bet he's only doing that to get at Teddy! That's so sad! Poor Teddy! It's ok Teddy, it's ok!

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
“Not able to do non-verbal magic then Lupin? And your parents were an Auror and a Professor? Well they can’t have been any good.” Smith flicked his wand again and Teddy’s arms snapped to his sides, his legs snapped together, he became as rigid as a board and fell over backwards.
Why would you do that?! Teddy is just as good as his parents! And his parents were good people! Very good people! You can't insult them like that, Smith! *glares at him*

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
The Arithmancy homework had been particularly difficult and Teddy was glad to be handing it in. As he walked around the room and beautiful idea struck him. He could get revenge for both him and Mabel, who was the subject of some very nasty rumours that had been spread by Smith after their Hogsmeade visit. Words like ‘tart’ and ‘easy’ seemed to follow the poor girl around the place like doxies feasting on fairy eggs. He took Smith’s two rolls of parchment and turned his back. He slipped his wand out of his pocket and under the cover of taking Keith’s essay from him, he whispered “Evanesco”. Smith’s homework Vanished.

At the end of the next lesson, Professor Vector could be heard lecturing Smith about the importance of handing in homework in his OWL year, deaf to his protests that he had handed his homework in, that he’d spent hours researching it in the library.
Haha! That was so funny! Go Teddy for coming up with such a good plan! Well done! Ha! How does he like that? I'm so glad he got a telling off! Those rumors were nasty! How dare he?! I'm glad Teddy got his own back!

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
He swallowed the rest of his question. John Smith strode into the entrance hall wearing his twisted self-satisfied smirk.

“You! What have you done to her?”
Yeah! What have you done to her, Smith?! If we find out you've done something to her...*stands next to Teddy to fight* Be prepared!

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
“LUPIN! SMITH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Professor Longbottom was running down the stairs towards them, swiftly followed by Professor Boot. Teddy took his eyes off Smith and Smith used the opportunity to hit Teddy again in the leg. Blood splattered on the floor and Teddy buckled to his knees as the Professors disarmed them both.

“Right, hospital wing, both of you! You are both in serious trouble!” Professor Longbottom’s voice was strong and commanding. Teddy tried to stand but couldn’t, his arm and leg were bleeding copiously. Professor Boot healed Teddy’s wounds, whispering a song-like incantation as his wand sealed the wounds. The expression on his face was a mixture of shock and anger.
Woah! Fight, fight, fight! *joins in to help Teddy* Wow! Is Smith really good at duelling or something? Don't hurt Teddy like that! You meanie! Wow! Go Neville for controlling things! Well done! Wow! So many injuries! Tut, tut, tut!

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
Suddenly, something hit her. She gave a small “Oh!” of surprise as she fell to the ground. A burly masked man in black robes appeared as if from nowhere. He lifted Amelia off the ground, turned and disappeared again.
What?! What happened to her?! Right. Who did this?! Wonder who that man is? So many questions. *sighs* Hope Amelia is ok!

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
Both Teddy and Amelia seemed to be lifeless, both showing evidence of having been attacked. Blood dripped from Teddy’s nose onto the table, pooling there, joined by the blood that was flowing from the corner of Amelia’s mouth.
What?! What on earth happened?! They took Teddy as well?! Why?! I think i know who it is. But if it's who i think it is, then woah! Can't believe they both got attacked! I want to know why! Hope they're ok! *crosses fingers*

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
John Smith strolled into the kitchen as though he didn’t have a care in the world.
OMG! OMG! OMG! I knew it! This guy is a double agent! Good on Harry to warn Teddy - sort of! I bet he doesn't have a care in the world! Silly boy! Now i seriously hate him!

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
“What’s your real name then?”

Alberich? I bet you got that from somewhere didn't you? Can't believe his real name is Alberich! Wow! Has he been having a different identity all this time? From when he was small?

Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
“I can assure you that I am Alberich. You have a birthmark on your stomach, on the left hand side. How would I know that if I unless I am Alberich?”
She realised that it was true. There was only one word that she could think to say at that moment, despite the fear that was making her heart pound so loudly in her ears.

OMG! OMG! OMG! He's Hermia's dad?! Since when?! Why wasn't he there for her?! OMG! I just realised Morgana (was that her name?)! She was Hermia's mother! And now Hermia's got a really evil father! Poor Hermia! That's so sad! Wow! She's got a birthmark on her stomach! Wow! Sorry i am a bit too enthusiastic! I just got a bit melodramatic (with the help of coffee). I posted another long comment because i like your story so much! Great post! Loved it! Can't wait for more!

Last edited by hermionesclone; 09-17-2009 at 09:43 PM.
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