Thread: Conference Room
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Old 09-17-2009, 06:55 PM   #150 (permalink)
Obi-Wan K'Lari

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Atticus Cornridge
Second Year
Default ARG! with the internet!
ll Achmed's 2nd Keeper ll Team Jacob l l Otaku ll

"I come from Sri Lanka." But knowing how few people know about it..."It is by India."


In the name of Sri Lanka...what in the world was going on? Arjuna stared at the gypsy woman who entered the room. Did she have no sense of propriety? How rude was it to clean someone else's workplace? To be fair, it was the woman's work place now too...but she had not yet earned the right to do that. At first, Arjuna had been relieved that she was not the only one who had chosen unconventional clothing for the first meeting, but this hope was fading fast. She stared in horror as she shrugged off the Editor and as she finally sat down. Magey Ammo.*

Her astonishment caused by the previous woman was nothing compared to her immediate dislike of the woman who entered next. Her clothing was entirely unsuitable for a respectful woman. Arjuna turned her head away from her to avoid glaring. It had not escaped her notice that she spoke very differently to the rest of the people in the room, having something close to French about her accent. Not that she knew much about that, not being well-traveled. By now, Arjuna had given up all hope of following what was happening, but she could still tell that the woman was being exceptionally rude.

Were women here all entirely indecorous? Even to their superiors?

Eventually, she realised the meeting had officially began and turned her attention to her boss. Scribbling in a mixture of short-hand and Sinhalese that no one else would understand, Arjuna took her notes speedily. She was glad that some how she was following Mr. Enrico's speech. Or so she thought.


You could get the most amazing shots out of that sport! Arjuna squeezed her bag slightly, imagining the shots: the distance, the lighting, even some of the features of the players popped into her head. Anney... She smiled slightly, still clutching her bag.

Waiting for a chance to speak, she thought about "The Events at Hogwarts". She was not intimately acquainted with the school, but she had heard about it. Some of the richer girls had transfered out to there. Or here, now that she was in Britain. "From...the sight of one like me-that is to say, muggleborn-perhaps an introductory article on Quidditch would be...necessary? No, good, rather. And as a photo-grapher, if we can be permitted entrance to the teams, we can get some lovely shots. To the pitch site even."

Arjuna glanced at the two Asian-looking men(one looked more Asain than the other) and glanced back at the Editor. One of those men-more likely to be the man with the commanding tone and better English-was her boss. She couldn't say she liked him so far, but had she ever worked under anyone better?
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