major cliff hanger, and ooohhh .. daddy :O NO WAY!!??
i loved the flashbacks and i laughed soo much at sum of the them

, hold on i'll quote
“Perhaps they have more subtlety than you?”
i know that was a little evil (o.k very evil

but loved it so yay)
Teddy looked up furiously, pointing sausage sized fingers at Smith.
“It was him! He threatened me! He tripped me!”
that made me laugh so much, and i couldn't help but think of shrek, oooh loved it

Also, how you included Neville as a teacher was good, but :O fighting like that at hogwarts! tut tut tut

but poor Teddy bleeding like that

but cliff hanger!! ooohh and i wouldn't use the scary zappy laptop either

well now i so wanna know wat happens next!!

excited much

can't wait, and that was a huge chapter

and i 4got the letter thingy i made up.. :S *scrols back up* hhmm not on this page kk a new one is neccesary

LTCAEFTN- Loved This Chapter And Excited For The Next

much love, great chpater

i love this story!