Originally Posted by
Luna Laufghudd "Yes, thats a good idea, Nathan." he said, even though he actually didn't drink coffee. But improving coffe could mean the road to more improvement elsewhere! "I was thinking that maybe," should he say it, here comes the butterflyyyy! "we could, if we wanted to..." stalling stalling "shape the articles to have a more pleasing effect...to the eye?" Tristan swallowed, not daring to take his eyes away from the now smudged doodle. "If there's an article about the World Cup why not shape the article to look like a snitch or something..."
Now he was just making something up.
"Also," he blurted out before he changed his mind, "Is there a possibility to reduce the amount of advertisement on the pages? It's sort of messing with the...artistic design of the layout."
Tristan grimaced a smile, thinking about pointing the wand at himself and hoping to magick away the pain in his head. If he only knew how to.
Shape the article to look like a Snitch? That was a new one. Tapping the quill against his notepad, Ian Hoshino allowed Tristan to say his piece. That, however, did not mean he was doing it with a smile. A little sneer graced his lips and the statuesque man, let out a slow whistle.
Slow. For how slow this bloke was.
"Artistic design?" repeated Ian with a little laugh. "The Prophet isn't about artistic design. It's about selling. Appeasing the artistic masses isn't top priority. Our major clients are housewives and working middle class wizards. What do housewives and Ministry employees know about
artistic design?"
Originally Posted by
After that rather serious discussion, Rico was relieved to crack a smile in Nathan's direction. "Actually I did just buy a brand-new coffee maker, mate! It should be producing hopefully tastier brews by now though... uh, I don't use creamer so you're on your own there..."
Rico stuck his quill behind his ear and thought of something else. "And that reminds me, what would you all say to some new office chairs? Yeah? I need to go over the books again but I think there's some space in the budget... since we are in need of uh, cleaner surroundings too..." coughCrazyCleanerWomancough.
Was it Enrico's imagination or was Tristan dancing around actually saying anything? He looked at the guy and thought for a long moment before answering.
"You know, that could be a great way to liven up pages. I'll jot it down." And so he did, with a little note that read Shape layout to fit article topics, let Tristan doodle a cartoon or two.
As for advertisements though... Rico obviously glanced at Ian. "Well. Seeing as ad revenue is our main source of income, followed by subscriptions... eh I don't see that as being possible. Hoshino?" No doubt Ian would shoot down the idea with a snarky comment or two.
Tristan wanted to cut down on advertising to...supply the break room with better coffee? Hoshino chuckled, as a hand rose to rub his chin. "You cut back on advertising you cut back on your salary," he said looking at Serio but his words were clearly meant for Tristan. "Plus, that's just almost impossible. There's advertising contracts with just about every store in Diagon Alley. If we cut back on advertising we'd have to appease them first. Make room for
their ads which would leave none for the smaller businesses and independent companies."
Not that he cared all that much about independent companies. The point was--there was no way anyone was touching his pay. "In short. I wouldn't go forward with it."