Originally Posted by
demented_death_eater "Well, its obvious that these two numskulls are about to lose precious house points for their foul-smelling antics," Vindictus said after a few minutes of deep thought. "Ten points each. Sound good, professor?"
Kazimeriz scowled.
"It is a start. But this is a serious transgression... requiring severe punishment." He turned to the frozen boys.
"You boys may think you were pulling an innocent prank, but what you fail to acknowledge is that you have robbed each and every first year and transfer student of something you yourselves received: the memory of a pleasant, incident-free introduction to life at Hogwarts. Whether they are expelled or not, Max, I think that first these students owe every student here something to make up for what they have stolen with their selfish, boorish behavior. What do you think?" Kazimeriz raised an eyebrow. Expulsion --or worse-- was definitely still very much on his mind.