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And once again, Rupert is left out in the cold. This is really starting to aggravate me. Maybe if the writers hadn't relegated Ron to the role of COMEDY RELIEF in the Potter films, he'd have some wider recognition for his talents. But seeing as how most people haven't had the chance to see him actually develop those talents...man this is just ticking me off to extreme levels of ticked offedness.
I completely agree.. They r doing this on purpose I guess.. Just to glorify Dan n Emma who r much more visible to the media than poor Rupert is.. There is this other list by Portrait magazine for hottest 30 stars under 30.. That one is fan-voting based.. And Rupert is in the 2nd or 3rd place der!! Tom is in the top 10 too.. N Dan is nowhere!!! I dunno which idiot prepared
this list but it is clear that he is not aware of Rupert! I am not anti-Dan but this is INJUSTICE!!