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Old 09-15-2009, 03:57 AM   #46 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 394
Math Wizard

ok, i'm dumb when it comes to maths, so explain. In the last decade Dan has been in Tailor of Panama, the Harry Potters and December boys, which is 8films. Rupert has been in The Harry's ,Thunderpants and The driving whatever, which also equals 8 films. Emma has been in the Haarys and the cartoon, which equals 7 films. Alan Rickman has been in 6 Harry's and quite a few other films in the last decade, so wouldn't the combined grosses of his films make him the highest of the lot? and if thats not the way it works, then surely anyone whoses been in all the potter films be it Tom , Matt ,Devon, Bonnie or Enoch would be in the top ten. They've all appeared in these films. and that seems to be the criteria. So surely for the last decade there has been no higher grossing film overall than the Potters? Like i say where maths is concerned i'm dumb but thats my understanding of this acheivement! And Dan overshadows Rupert for one good reason, he plays Harry! Rupert's representatives have failed him when it comes to the wages front, so blame them.

sorry. saw the coment about Tailor and December boys bringing Dan's average down. So what did Emma's film gross?I feel inneed of a maths lesson here!

Last edited by masterofmystery; 09-15-2009 at 04:14 AM. Reason: merged comments
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