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Old 09-14-2009, 05:55 AM   #591 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by fire_faerie View Post
This. was. SO. not. happening. It just couldn't - WHAT had she done to deserve this?!

. . .

Hastily picking herself up from the floor and away from his knees - away from HIM - she felt a roll of fatigue roll in and her vision darkened. Great. Sitting down opposite him, next to the door, she focused intently on where the floor should be as she waited for the head rush to pass, feeling her heart beat a mile a minute as she fully took in where she was, what had happened, and who she was with when it did.

"Um," she began, still looking at the floor even though she could now see perfectly well. "You aren't the last person - I really do think that if Sienna was here, I'd be more disappointed," she stated in a low voice, not caring how she sounded. Truth was, he was kind of right. But it felt better to say she hated Sienna than to say that she hated him. Because she didn't hate him... And he was never allowed to know that.

You probably sound childish to him, a bitter voice in her head said, immature and crazy. And that's without the fact that you look like you hadn't slept since you saw him last. And the sad thing? She pretty much hadn't. Sleep - none, crying - way too much.

"Sorry. . . I'm just tired," she finally added, feeling a lump grow in her throat. Her sixth year was NOT supposed to start like this. It just wasn't. She was a mess and even her new school books hadn't been enough to get her excited. Jake had looked sick with worry whenever he looked at her, and when she had been unresponsive to her new textbooks he had nearly fainted. She was making everyone miserable around her.

And it was all Reid's fault. And her's. But more Reid's because she was much too exhausted to take the blame for anything right now.
Watching Rachel Reid couldn't help the rush of guilt that overcame him. He did this to her by defending Sienna. He'd always done it which was why he did so over the summer but he regretted it the moment he'd walked away from Rachel. But he knew that he didn't have the right to wallow in self-pity, after all she deserved better than him.

"Don't worry Sienna is nowhere near here. Last I knew she was complaining to my parents about the fact that I told her that I'd never marry her or be interested in her even if she doused me with amortensia. Or at least I'm presuming that's where she was when my father called." Reid said with a shrug, all the while watching Rachel like a hawk.

She looked similar to him, although one wouldn't be able to tell. Unlike Rachel it seemed Reid had decided to use a glamour on himself. He was eighteen and of magical maturity so he hadn't seen the harm. There was also a part of him that didn't want Rachel to see him weak, to see that she had held that much power over him that he'd literally fallen apart without her. And seeing her now he didn't want to add to her worries, if she even still cared about him that was.

"You look more than tired. You look exhausted." Reid stated bluntly, although the worry was evident in his voice, no matter how good of an actor he was he couldn't mask that emotion. "I know I don't have the right to say anything to you after hurting you but Rachel I'm begging you to sleep and eat. If you don't who knows what will happen to you?" his statement was somewhat hypocritical since he was in a similar condition but he didn't matter, she did.
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