SPOILER!!: O.O Chat much? LOL
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Nathaniel was grinning at Mariel. What was Sammi doing sitting next to her? He stayed standing up "How are you Mariel?" he asked her. He still thought that Sarah was up to something.He wasn't quite sure what it was but he figured something was up. At the mention of Sammi wanting to be in Ravenclaw he looked at Mariel with a teasing grin "Oh, yea, GREAT choice" he rolled his eyes. Although he'd rather if Sammi was in Gryffindor with him if she did end up in Ravenclaw he could use that to his advantage.He patted his bag reassuring himself that the presents he had for Mariel were in there... just in case. Chewing on his bottom lip he felt awkward as all get out. "Did you have fun in Diagon Alley?"
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"Hi Mariel! Nice to meet you!" Sammi smiled brightly at the older girl. She hoped that people wouldn't think she was a strange child, because the constant smile that was plastered on her face.
"I would love to be in Ravenclaw! Nate wants me to be a Gryffie. But blue is my favorite color!" Although smiling, she noticed the slight awkwardness of Nate and Mariel's conversation. Deciding to shutup, Sammi turned to the window and stuck her face to it, ready to watch the passing scenery.
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Chewing on her thumb nail,Sarah listened to Mariel as the conversation continued about Hogwarts.She knew her father could be strict, and wasn't surprised that he threatened to pull her out of school and send her elsewhere. "Conditional?" she asked,taking her thumb out of her mouth and letting her hand drop into her lap. "Well then I certainly hope nothing bad happens.I don't want you leaving, you're my best friend." The thought actually filled her with dread.
With the theme staying on bad things, werewolves were once more top of the agenda.Sarah had to admit that what Mariel was saying was completely the truth.It should never have happened, really, and who ever came up with the bright idea was now probably feeling extremely foolish. "Yeah it was quite scary, and disturbing, too." Lowering her head she thought of the look in Lupa's eyes when she was transforming...the hungry look.At the time it made her glad she had been near the back, making it easier to escape. "Does anyone know who actually came up with the idea?" she suddenly asked,shaking all visuals out of her head and looking back up to Mariel and Daisy.
Having re-entered their compartment,Sarah could see Mariel's slightly confused look as she sat back down, Nathaniel and Sammi right behind her.She knew that they had not got off to the best of starts a couple of terms ago, but she was going to make the effort.After all they were both best friends with Mariel and it wouldn't hurt to try and get along.
Drawing her legs up, and crossing them under her on the seat, Sarah sat back and watched their conversation unfold.When the mention of Diagon Alley came up,she wasn't sure whether he wanted her answer or just Mariel's.But seeing as her's would bring the mood down again, she kept quiet, deciding instead to watch Sammi with amusement as she stuck her face to the window.Leaning forward towards the girl,Sarah smiled at her. "Hey Sammi.You looking forward to your first term?" OH the old chestnut of a question.The one every firstie got at some point...usually more than once.Hopefully it was a conversation that wouldn't distract anyone else.....
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Nathaniel looked at Sammi as she sat next to Mariel. What was she brainstorming about? He run his hand through his jet black hair as he pondered things. Before Sarah had gotten Sammi and himself out of their compartment he had contemplated just writing or drawing. Neither of which he could do now since he was surrounded by the firing squad. They'd want to know what he was doing plus he felt that it would be rude to do such. "What are you guys talking about?" he said directing his attention to what Mariel and her friends were talking about. He leaned against the door frame of the compartment as he listened to everyone speak.
He saw that Sarah was talking to Sammi. Was she still plotting against him?! And trying to get Sammi to be on her side?! NO! Sammi would never betray her brother.Unless she wanted to take after Dark Vadar and go to the dark side. He had heard that they had cookies on that side..
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You guys?
Maybe he did want to hear from her and Daisy after all.At least it was a minor step in the right direction, him acknowledging her when Mariel was present.
Sarah turned away from the window and leant against the frame slightly, directing her gaze to Nathaniel so she could answer his question. "We were talking about what happened last term,actually.You know the werewolf assembly," she reached forward and grabbed the piece of parchment from where Daisy had left it, holding it out for him to see. "Someone put up posters about it.We were discussing whether we thought it was an accident or not.Were you there?" See she could be nice.Now all she had to do was wait to see how he responded....
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"Oh, I was there. It was a bit scary but I think if they keep everything in check that they are fine.". He didn't mind being in a school with a werewolf. Just because someone was a werewolf didn't mean they were bad people. It wasn't their fault that it had happened to them. He would stand up for Professor Lupa "I don't mind if Professor Lupa stays at Hogwarts. What happened was a freak accident.". Just because people were different didn't mean they didn't deserve the same rights as everyone else.
"How was your vacation,Sarah?" he asked her. She was being nice to him so he thought he'd do the same. No sense in being a jerk to her for no reason. Even if he thought she might tempt Sammi with cookies. Good thing she didn't know Sammi's weakness was lollipops.
Mariel frowned slightly and fought the urge to roll her eyes at Nathaniel's snide Ravenclaw comment. Choosing to ignore the remark for now, she nodded happily at Sammi.
"Yes, Ravenclaw's the best... Although there are more reasons to love it than just the color." And then the younger girl turned to stare off out the window. Odd. Mariel looked at her curiously for a moment before turning back to Nathaniel as he asked about Diagon Alley.
"Um, for the most part I guess," she answered as his question brought up memories of the summer - most pretty good, but her last visit to Diagon Alley had been just awful. Frowning at the memory, the nearly 15 year old was so consumed with the thought that she completely failed to notice how nervous Nathaniel seemed. Instead, she shrugged softly and stared out the window, tring to push the memory out of her mind and becoming vaguely aware of Sarah trying to make conversation with the other occupants of their compartment.
The Ravenclaw girl looked up again as the topic turned to werewolves yet again. Not that she should have been surprised, really, being at the forefront of everyone's mind given recent events. Though it was beginning to annoy her that it seemed as if nearly no one shared her opinion on the matter. Except that Variety kid. And where was he? She never did catch up with him again. Nearly everyone else dismissed it as no big deal.
"That's just the thing Nathaniel," Mariel said in a tired voice.
"They didn't keep everything in check. What happens when there's another accident? What if you get bit next time? Or one of your friends? Or your little sister?" She sighed greatly, being tired of trying to make everyone see reason. She had nothing against werewolves when they were people, but once a month they weren't people. They were vicious, dangerous beasts who had no place being around kids.
Not really wanting to get into an argument, she decided to change the subject when she noticed that Nathaniel was still standing in the doorway.
"So... are you going to sit down?" she asked, gesturing to the seat next to Sarah. Her own side of the compartment was full with Daisy on one side of her and Sammi on the other. So next to Sarah was his only choice... unless he wanted to continue standing.