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Willie stared back at Celandine, wondering why she was looking at him as if he were some piece of art? He blinked at her announcement of him being taken shopping with both girls for shoes. It took him a few moments to realize what she had meant, so he shook his head, his curls bouncing along. "No! No! I don't wantchu ter buy me shoeth!" He told them both, an upset look on his face. He didn't want to be pitied! Just cause he had one pair of shoes didn't mean that they should take him shopping for more! No!
At that moment, he had been looking at Daphne, apologizing for not having candy to offer him. When he had looked back at Cela, he found her rummaging through her pur-- Oh dear. His face paled and his heart dropped the second time down so many notches. His mouth was open aghast and his eyes were wide in sheer horror. He had taken Cela's purse! Her purse! How could he had taken HER PURSE?!
"Aaa--Aa" Willie choked on his words, his eyes plastered onto the purse. How could he?!
"I don't think you have a say in this, Willie," teased Daphne sticking out her tongue. "We
are going to buy you shoes and you
will wear them. We'll even buy you lots of pairs of new socks to go with them."
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"Are you sick? Do you want a hug?" Cela wrapped her arms around him and gave him a hug. "It's okay! It will be fine! We'll get you some shoes! And I'll even charm them to skate around everywhere!"
Worried, Daphne bit her lower lip thoughtfully. "Maybe he's in a lot of pain? Or does your stomach feel funny? I don't blame you what with the smell and all I'd probably feel like throwing up myself."
Yeah. A stink cloud following wherever you went? Not happy times for Daphne Hopton.