| | Pigfarts... is on MARS! | | Computer Nerd Alert! | | Josh smiled at Jaden, knowing she was right. He then grinned to himself as he remembered burning down his neighbors house and trying to kill their dog. It was all their sons fault though. Jeremy, the annoying 11 year-old that followed him everywhere, plus embarrassed him in front of the hot muggle chicks. But there was a good side to this, Jeremy would do anything for him. He'd do his chores, pick up stuff for him, clean his room, and feed his owl. And Jeremy never questioned the Wizard Band Posters that were in his room, or why he had an owl, or why he carried a stick in his pocket everywhere. Jeremy just did what Josh asked, and Josh like that. At least he had control over one thing. Josh then forgot about Jeremy for a moment and said out-loud to no one in particular, "Where is everyone else?"
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