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She smirked lightly as he said that he guessed it was okay. "Yeah....I guess too that it's okay. I mean, we'll just be two candy craved people that spend all there allowence money on year supplies of the candy." Her eyes widdened slightly as she thought how that might sound. "Not that I have done that before, cause that's so...."she trailed off, smiling sheepishly at him. He didn't mind liking candy? Who didn't? Candy was the sorce of all happy hyperness. "I love liking candy! It makes me happy and hyper whenever I eat some...well....a lot of it." Oh yes, liking candy defiantly brought some...sweetness to life.
She couldn't help but laugh at his humor. "I'm glad you do Kel."she said, leaning out of the hug, a light smile on her face. She was silent for a moment, watching Neige squeek and look around. Finally she looked back at Kel, sighing. "So....how have you been?"she asked, leaning up against the wall.
Kel cocked an eyebrow at her words.
Spend all their money on year supplies of candy? He opened his mouth to ask if she'd ever actually done that, when she told him she hadn't, and instead started laughing.
"I was starting to worry," he teased, flashing a smile. He wouldn't put it past Jenn to do that though...he knew what she was like with pumpkin pasties. He looked down at the floor and started gathering his sugar quills into a pile, and looked back up at her when she started talking about liking candy. He just smiled again in reply. Jenn was hyper no matter how much candy she ate, that, Kel knew for sure.
He looked quickly back down at the floor of the train as she asked how he'd been.
Since that day in Florean's, not too good. He thought. He'd spent most of the days in his room - something he hardly ever did - because he'd been confused and wanted to be alone to think. But, it wasn't like he was going to tell Jenn that.
"Pretty good," he answered, still looking down at the ground, because he didn't want her to see the truth in his eyes.