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Rachel looked like hell as she walked down the train, looking for an empty compartment to sit in. She flat out refused to look at the posters of the werewolf thing, her blood boiling over the fact that someone had had the cheek to put those up. If she hadn't been so bloody tired, she would have ripped every one of them to shreds.
Seriously, poor Jake.
No, no, full, half full, no, ugh - firsties, no, bursting, DEAR MERLIN! Rachel had almost reached the end of the train and she still hadn't found an empty compartment. She hadn't really wanted to stay in the Prefect's one this year, and apparently that had been a huge error. Sighing, she continued walking and had to grab onto one of the handles of a compartment door when she stumbled over herself, thus forcing it open.
Being tired on the first day back was SO not fun. She rubbed her slightly bloodshot eyes, praying that the bags under them would not grow any larger. Time to say sorry to whoever's in there... Just then, the train gave a sudden lurch and with a yelp, Rachel found herself on the ground, inside the compartment, looking quite comical as she wondered what in the world had just happened to her.
Her brain was thumping painfully and her vision was swirling from the fall and from the lack of sleep she had gotten over the past few weeks. Groaning, she lifted herself up to a sitting position using her left hand, the right one being still raw from when it had been wrenched from the handle by the door.
For the first time, she realised that there was someone else inside the compartment. Of course. NO compartment on this bloody train was empty today. "I'm sorry - train lurched," she mumbled and was about to leave when she noticed the identiy of the student who's knees were inches from her face.
"Oh." WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?! I swear someone up there has a vendetta against me - REID?! ALREADY?? It's just not fair.
She felt, if possible, even more exhausted than before. All she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry like she had done for the last few weeks of the summer but no - apparently fate was hellbent on making her suffer as much as possible.
Reid's thoughts turned to Rachel and what had happened with her over the summer. Things had been getting better, she hadn't forgiven him but she'd been on the way to doing so and then he went and screwed it up. Why did it seem like the only thing he'd accomplished during the summer was messing up his life, a life he'd only recently begun to think could contain happiness and be worth putting energy into? Sighing he felt a tear run down his cheek before dripping silently onto his coat.
I want her back and I'll do anything to get her, but I don't know how.
He was about to try to device a way to get her back when someone ripped open the compartment door. Why was it that he could seemingly not even find peace in the last compartment on the train? Turning his head to look out the window he decided that it would be better not to look at whoever disturbed his solitude since he'd likely end up blowing up at them. He wasn't nice when feeling either depressed or angry, normally though he would mask those emotions quite well. This was not one of those days.
The lurch of the train was somewhat sudden and unexpected and so Reid wasn't totally surprised when a girls body ended up sprawled in front of him. He'd reached out slowly to catch the person but his reaction times were slower than normal and he just couldn't seem to care about anything. Nevertheless he did offer the girl a hand to get up should she so chose to use it.
Turning at the sound of the voice Reid's eyes softened almost imperceptibly. He should have known it would be his clumsy Rachel. Although technically she wasn't his Rachel any more. Taking in her appearance his eyes widened slightly in shock at what he was seeing. This wasn't the Rachel he remembered! What did he do to her? "It's fine, I mean I'm probably the last person you want to see on this planet at the moment so I don't think you did it on purpose." his voice was a whisper as he didn't want her to hear just how hoarse it was. It wasn't very manly to have to admit to crying your eyes out after all. He added a slight smile to his words but it was self derivative and his eyes spoke of how much else he wanted to say to her. Wanted to say but didn't have the right to any more.