Originally Posted by
I'm sorry but what?! These people are mental! Why would you do that?! I don't think they're human. Hope they get caught!
They are very evil. Very evil indeed.

evil nutters
Originally Posted by
Wow! I haven't seen Harry like this as well. Talk about strict and powerful. Those people who sent the dementors are mental to cross him, especially in this mood.
Well, we all know that there's a nasty temper in there, especially when his loved ones are threatened.
Originally Posted by
*whistles* Wow! Talk about taking action! Go Harry! Good on Harry for setting up the teaching people how to produce a patronus thing. It reminds me of the DA. Ooh! A mission for Teddy! Harry's Head Auror now, right? It sounds like it here.
Harry is head Auror now. He feels a responsibility towards the whole magical community, just like he did when he was facing Voldemort.
Originally Posted by
Loved the jokes! It was so funny! I couldn't help giggling. Haha! I love Brighid's comments about the other people! It's so funny! And the single thing was funny as well. Wow! Don't want to mess with Harry! That was from a converstion I had recently. I'm recyling my own jokes
Originally Posted by
This was funny as well! Tonks has a point. Ha! Williamson is not too good when it comes to women and compliments, is he? It made me giggle so much. Poor Williamson

I'm glad it made you giggle.
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Woah! OMG! Tonks! From girl to girl: is it your time of the month? Lol. I think she just lost it. Talk about protective though. Sort of. Wonder what Williamson wants with Hestia Jones? Lol. Which leads me to: Wow! I never knew Tonks was feisty. To people apart form Mrs. Black i mean.
You didn't think Tonks was fiesty? Really? I always thought that it was there in the books, anyone who can joke with Mad-eye has got to be fiesty. Williamson had been assigned to track Hestia because she was thought to be an Order member.
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Wow! I'm glad she's back to her usual nice self. That was very stupid and reckless Tonks! Wow! Williamson had spotted them kissing? Tonks: you need to be a bit more careful! Aw! Poor Tonks!
They do need to be careful. What I was wondering was why Williamson was there in the first place...

(Of course I know, but I'm not telling, not even me)
Trouble and pasta? Trouble I understand but pasta? Can you imagine a duel between Tonks and Sirius though? Take cover everyone!
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Yay! Go Tonks!
Well done for sorting the argument out. And well done for telling Remus all those things! He needs to know! And accept! Good on her for not caring! Aw! She loves him! How cute! He totally loves her! Own up to your feelings Remus! Bless him, he feels everything so deeply but he's a bit emotionally constipated.
Wow! What on earth does Remus mean that she doesn't deserve him?! He's silly! He doesn't give himself enough credit. Go Tonks for sorting it out! Again! Well done! *cheers for Tonks*[/quote]
He means that she doesn't deserve to be an outcast because of him being a werewolf. He
IS silly!
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Teddy might kill his partner! Ha! That's funny! It reminds me of Harry and Draco when they were in Hogwarts. Sort of. Wow! Ashtad sounds good! 1 thing though: did you get Ashtad's last name the comedian Omid Djalili (sp?)? If not, maybe it's coincidence. I thought that Teddy needed a personal enemy, but John Smith is no Draco Malfoy. Ashtad is fabulous (I know, I made him up

) and I did get his surname from Omid Djalili. He's my favourite comedian. Ashtad apparantly means justice, that's what someone told me anyway.
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Wow! That guy's evil! *shakes fist at him* Don;t like him anymore! Poor Teddy! That must have been really sad! Haha!
What Teddy said was funny! I couldn't help laughing! I won't blame him as well. Although, if Teddy does end up killing that guy, i'll end up congratulating him and giving him a big bar of chocolate. Lol. Chocolate for killing someone? That's an interesting take on criminal justice Kita, but I can't see it being popular.
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Woah! I don't like that guy even more! Silly guy! *shakes both fists at him* Teddy is not a cat with fleas! You can't say that about him! *takes out wand and steps up to defend Teddy*
Oh he's a not a nice guy. He's also a bit stupid, letting his feelings show on his face like that.
Originally Posted by
Wow! That was a long post! Not that i'm complaining! Great post! Loved it! Can't wait for more!
PS: I felt like posting a long comment today! 

for you too my lovely! I've ended up saying more than I wanted to, you always do that to me with your fabulous comments! I think your comment was nearly as long as my chapter!