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She looked to the poster when he pointed to it. 'Kinda horrible thing to do now that i think about it.' Turning back to Josh, he seemed really excited which, of course, amused her. When he asked about home, she was stumped. "Umm..." before she could start her explanation, some tall boy pushed Josh towards her to get by, making her stumble a little backwards into the compartment wall since he was now a little too close for comfort at the moment. "Do you want to sit?" she said without thinking, pointing to the empty seats. Although, their wasn't an empty floor. Her face fell in horror as all her possessions were practically thrown every, including the book she was reading. "One sec." she said hurriedly, frantically throwing everything in either her trunk or bag, completely hiding the book she was reading. She tripped a few times more, before finally having everything neat and orderly. Proud of her time and speed, she sat down on the seat, and turned back to Josh, gesturing him to come inside.
Josh laughed as he watched her. How cute she was, trying get the compartment in order.
''You neednt have bothered with that'' he said as he walked inside the compartment ''I actually like a little mess. It makes me feel free'' he laughed and sat opposite to her. But this, of course, was not a succesfull attemp to avoid the question. At least he felt a little bit like she wanted to avoid the question. Was there something that bothered her? He wanted to know but at the same time he knew he had no right to stick his nore into people's family business as well as he would not know how Rose would react it. In spite of these, he decided to take the risk to ask. Well...he was the man for risky things and he wanted to help.
''How were your days at home?'' he asked again once they were comfortably seated.