Thread: Harry Potter: Change for a Dollar - Sa13+
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Old 08-29-2004, 05:45 AM   #5 (permalink)
olivers_girl2004's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Down Drury Lane...Yes, I do know the muffin man. He makes a nice fruitcake for us around Christmas
Posts: 35

When Luna went up to her dorm room padma and all her other room mates came up to her. "you and Ron sure were focused on each other at the feast" said padma. "yea u were grinning from ear to ear and occasionally blushing" said Brittany. "spill it! now!" said padma."Do you really want to know?asked Luna. "Yes!"they all said. "do you really really want to know?" asked Luna."YES!" they all said again. "sorry i dont kiss and tell!" said Luna smiling. "he kissed you!""wow! i didnt think he had the guts!" "me either!" luna laughed at her friends while she climbed into! he actually kissed me!she thought FINALLY

and thats all im putting for now! if u view i would apreciate a post even if it tells me what a loser i am and that i suck and i need to get a life and ect. AND MADDIE IF U TRY TO MAKE A JOKE OUTTA THAT I WILL HUNT U DOWN!!! lol!
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