Thread: The Staff Room
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Old 09-06-2009, 05:33 PM   #5 (permalink)

Technical Assistance
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Originally Posted by Slytherin Fox View Post
But no good to think of that right now. It was the start of a new term. "Greetings, how have you been?", Antonio asked Headmaster Bontecou with a smile. He had always had utmost respect for him.
And the first of the staff arrived. Pepe smiled, a bit hesitant at first, but it gradually turned into his full smile at the greeting. "I'm doing really well, actually. And yourself?" he said not bothering with the 'all things considered' part that less optimistic, doom-and-gloom mentality personalities might use to qualify that statement. Pepe was genuinely happy despite being a bit nervous over his colleagues' and students' reactions to him.

Originally Posted by Granger1814 View Post
Once she stepped inside and closed the door, she gave a smile to both of them. "Hello." She knew that the Headmaster and Alessia would both be returning to their position in Hogwarts. She just wasn't certain how the masses would handle the news, but she, herself, had little doubt that all precautions were being taken to avoid another spectacle.

Lowering herself into a nearby chair, she moved her gaze to the flickering fire in the fireplace, watching the hypnotic dance of the flames for a few moments before glancing up at the others.
"Welcome back to Hogwarts!" exclaimed to the librarian and rewarding her with a twinkling smile. He did love the ladies.

Blast from the past!
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