cœur perfide | super prosecutor | Ameh's Squishy
I think credibility is hard no matter what approach you take. For example my MoM charrie and Sakura, who was my first school charrie and is set to return term after this, are Japanese and English and they both grew up in Japan with Sakura attending Hogwarts due to the fact that her parents moved to England for business. The problem there would be that they were Japanese. Now I know quite a bit about Japanese culture even though I am not in fact Japanese but Caucasian, the problem would be if I didn't know anything about Japan when I made them. Then you get where in Japan did they come from, if they use small Japanese words or even speak in Japanese occasionally is that Japanese correct? When translated does it make sense? Then of course we get to the part of the English side of their family.
They are both related to the Malfoy's with their mother having been Scorpious' daughter, yet they've lived in Japan basically their whole lives and never really met the English side of their family so is it then credible to have them meet a family member and become extremely close to them in a short period of time? Some people would say not but that happened with my charries and ONE of their family members. However this only came up while RPing and I think arranging a family beforehand can be a difficult thing when you have to RP with others unless you know the person OOC. Of course if you're just having your MoM charrie and school charrie being related that's easy because you already know what both of them are like.
Now onto my current charrie Reid. He's American with an English background and only came back to England due to his grandparents being sick and a request from a friend who is one of my own charries. There are some credibility issues with him though and I know that. So first of all he's a famous model and actor yet when he gets to Hogwarts he has to explain that to people, hence making a hole in the I'm famous world wide story. So I had to come up with a way to fix that and I did. Something that hasn't come out in the RPG yet is that he actually uses a spell to make people not realise that he is an actor and model with the spell only being valid during school time. This is so he could get some peace with only those he trusted knowing about his actual identity. He can also speak to animals through his mind but I limit this to animals that he has a bond with.
I think the only way to help with credibility is to create threads where people can show how they are related to different people and maybe places where they can get information about other backgrounds besides their own because I know that some people find it easier to RP a background that they already know. Really though I'm not sure we can do much about the credibility issue because not everyone will look at the threads that inform you about another charrie and even if you do it can be way too time consuming to look through every post just to find out what their charrie actually is.
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