"Neways ... Why didn't someone tell me I was running the train? *Ottery screams and Teddy bails out as the train careens towards a set of broken tracks and a cliff* "
Not to worry! This peticular cliff falls off into a wormhole to the other alternate universe where "Human Nature" has left its readers hanging on another cliff. I do love both of these stories, and I'm starting to get a little antsy cause we're leaving on vacation Mon. morning, and going to a place where there isn't any internet.

AND-- we won't be back till the end of the month. Do you see my delima, do you feel my pain? Just kidding it'll be great seeing everyone. I'm just anxious to get back already. I'll miss you and your threads and everyone who posts on them, it's great to have friends. Now, on to this story. I'm wondering who runs the magic store. My imagination runs wild, I'm thinking it's a Weasley chain and Ginny, no wait, Hermione, no, Ginny AND Hermione runs it! I love imagining in between cliffhangers, but, love it better when you post. Catch ya later.